Thumbnails do not appear when using FileUpload

edited December 2014 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

This is a continuation of a discussion started on this thread. In short, using FileUpload plugin version, and Vanilla version 2.1.6 on an IIS server, after choosing an image file to upload and uploading it, the thumbnail does not show the image, and the resulting final post also doesn't show the thumbnail image. If you click the image of the broken thumbnail link though, the full image appears in a new window.

@peregrine, no the thumbnail image that is supposed to appear after uploading the file, as well as the full image that appears with the eventual post, never appear.

I did as you suggested to look at the page using a developer options for Safari, and sure enough I see:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

So that clearly isn't the correct URL for the image - it should be just:

Ideas for what I need to do to correct this? Is this a problem in the plugin code, or some configuration with my IIS server? FWIW, with previous versions of this plugin and Vanilla 2.0.18.x, it worked fine on the same IIS server..

Thanks again in advance.



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