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Fresh Install - Something Has Gone Wrong

edited February 2015 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I'm attempting to install a fresh install of Vanilla Forums. I downloaded the newest version, 2.1.8. Created a mysql database and a user to access the database. Extracted the ZIP file and uploaded the files to the web host. I've been following the installation instructions step by step. But when I point my browser to the domain and directory of which the Vanilla Forums files resides... I receive the Something Has Gone Wrong error page. I'm assuming that I should be seeing the initial config/setup page where I need to enter the database name, database user and password, etc... but I get nothing. Is there perhaps a reference somewhere that provides a directory/file permissions table? Realistically, I'm at the very beginning of the setup. There shouldn't be any reason that I receive a generic Something Has Gone Wrong message, without providing any information as to what has gone wrong.


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