Facebook connect

Hello, how to setup facebook connect?
I followed the instructions but I keep on getting this:
Something has gone wrong.
We've run into a problem and are unable to handle this request right now.
Please check back in a little while.
What is wrong?
The user gets registered in the system but with the error above.
Then when he goes to connect, vanilla asks for a password, what password is that?
I made it work.
The problem was with the outgoing mail.
As soon as I setup my smtp account it worked...
Hi All,
I'm having the same problem as above. When user connects with Facebook, it retrieves the data and adds it to Vanilla forum. As soon as the user fills in the email and username and hits connect, it get this error -
"Something has gone wrong.
We've run into a problem and are unable to handle this request right now.
Please check back in a little while."
I have checked the outgoing mail in settings and updated my SMTP details. But unable to resolve the issue.
Please anyone help! I'm running out of ideas.
Your smtp is working properly?
Try setting up an email client and see if it works.
Hi kamaleon
Thanks for the reply!
I have cross checked the SMTP credentials and they are working.
Not sure whats with this issue. Do you have any ideas?
Have you tried sending an email with the smtp settings?
Yes, I did and I recieve the email
At some moment, I used to get this below error -
"error": {
"message": "Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not permitted by the application configuration.",
"type": "OAuthException"
Do you think we need to set any redirect URI in facebook developers page for the app?
Check this
Hi kamaleon,
I need some clarification here, could you please help -
whats the redirect uri for my vanilla forum?
Can we use one fb app on two different website but on same domain. Eg: one fb app for www.example.com/forum & www.example.com/support
Both this urls run vanilla forums and connect to one common fb app(API key & secret)
I would use one app for each, they are free to setup.
I have followed those same steps as above link.
Just realized that I am getting same error (that is "Something has gone wrong.") even for GooglePlus & Twitter. This is the URL in which error is seen -
http://www.example.com/support/entry/connect/twitter?Target=blahBlah, http://www.example.com/support/entry/connect/googleplus?Target=blahBlah, http://www.example.com/support/entry/connect/facebook?Target=blahBlah
Does it strike any clue for you, kamaleon?
OMG!! I fixed it.
The issue was to set 777 file permission to domain/yourforum/cache/Smarty/compile/
*Who could have ever thought this was the isssue. But it did work for me after setting the file permissions to 777
Thanks kamaleon for your time and effort!