Edit "Powered by Vanilla" on the footer?

Hi, I just wanted to know how I could edit "Powered by Vanilla" that stays in the footer? I'm currently using version 2.1.11.
Thank you!


  • Yes , you can edit that just do not remove the Foot asset. Look inside the theme default.master.tpl or php what ever it is. Do Not Edit the Default theme...

  • Please could you give more details about this?

    How to remove it?

  • Which one should be modified?


  • K17K17 ✭✭✭

    Edit the defaultmaster.tpl of your theme.
    Do not edit the following file:


    Edit if the file are in the /theme folder only.

    In the default.master.tpl, the Powered by Vanilla is that:

    <a href="{vanillaurl}" class="PoweredByVanilla" title="Community Software by Vanilla Forums">Powered by Vanilla</a>

  • Thanks!

  • Sorry but which one is the default theme?


  • @K17 do you know?

  • @kamaleon

    Check your dashboard, or your config.php file, to see which theme you have enabled.

  • kamaleonkamaleon New
    edited July 2015

    It is the default one that comes with the installation the Baseline version 2.1.11

    Which one of these files should I modify then?


  • whu606whu606 MVP
    edited July 2015

    If you are using Baseline, you should create your own theme, which is as simple as this:

    Copy the /themes/default folder and rename it to your theme name so it sits in the root theme folder like this: /themes/your_theme_name.

    Open the "about.php" file and edit the information to reflect your theme's information (give it a new name.)

    Edit the default.master file as required

    Go to your Dashboard > Themes, and apply your new theme.

  • Oh, did not know I had to do all that!

    Will do it tomorrow for sure.

    Thanks a lot!

  • @whu606 said:
    If you are using Baseline, you should create your own theme, which is as simple as this:

    Copy the /themes/default folder and rename it to your theme name so it sits in the root theme folder like this: /themes/your_theme_name.

    Edit the default.master file as required

    Inside of /themes/default there is no file default.master.

    Should I create one? Or copy one from another place?

  • I answer myself :)

    1. Copy this "default" theme folder and rename it to your new theme name.
    2. Open the "about.php" file and edit the information to reflect your theme. Be
      sure to change the array key like this: $ThemeInfo['YourThemeNameHere'].
    3. Create a "design" subfolder and add a "custom.css" file to it.
      Use it to selectively override CSS - it is called after the default styles.
    4. Create a "views" subfolder and copy "/applications/dashboard/views/default.master.tpl" to it.
    5. Go to your Dashboard, Themes, and apply your new theme.
  • K17K17 ✭✭✭

    Yes :dizzy:
    Remember: don't edit the core files, use always a theme or a plugin!

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