A bug in the plugin

I found a bug in the plugin. When you register on the web and application is sending email all text is in one line and difficult to read and no has paragraphs. The email is formatted and has paragraphs without plugin.
Is there any solution for this ?




  • MVP
    edited July 2015

    Are u shure it's a bug? Sounds to me like you didn't ad an email template code.

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  • edited July 2015

    @phreak dijo:
    Are u shure it's a bug? Sounds to me like you didn't ad an email template code.

    I added two user register emails screenshots. One with a plugin activated and other without the plugin.
    You can see its structure.
    And another thing, I do not understand why the user name is repeated twice...!

  • Same here ..

  • It is a html email, and the normal notification text is not by default formatted for html. newline don't convert to paragraphs or br's. I haven't used the plugin but suspect that to be the case.

    Also you need to be careful with html email. Html in email is sort of unofficial, there is no standard. It is much more limited and haphazard than with webpages. Therefore if you use it at all keep it very, very simple.

    Just becuase it look good to you doesn't mean the will be your users experience.

    grep is your friend.

  • edited July 2015

    @x00 dijo:
    It is a html email, and the normal notification text is not by default formatted for html. newline don't convert to paragraphs or br's. I haven't used the plugin but suspect that to be the case.

    Also you need to be careful with html email. Html in email is sort of unofficial, there is no standard. It is much more limited and haphazard than with webpages. Therefore if you use it at all keep it very, very simple.

    Just becuase it look good to you doesn't mean the will be your users experience.

    In screenshot email_without_plugin.png you can see that default notification text lines have breaklines. How it does ?

    This plugin allows you to customize the email
    How to add extra text to the end of email or change some text and image without plugin ? Do you now how to do it ?

    And solve repeated user name ...


  • MVP
    edited July 2015

    I'm not the developer of this plugin so not supporting it it. I wouldn't do it this way. However if you wanted to format it correctly ensure your locale for all the notification is in html. the <br> tag is equivalent to newlines in html.

    grep is your friend.

  • @x00 dijo:
    I'm not the developer of this plugin so not supporting it it. I wouldn't do it this way. However if you wanted to format it correctly ensure your locale for all the notification is in html. the <br> tag is equivalent to newlines in html.

    You have not understood me... I have asked you about default vanilla email, how to add extra information on it without html.

  • I saw that you can edit emails on site_core.php

  • http://docs.vanillaforums.com/developers/locales/

    Don't make edits to something not maintained by you becuase if if has updates when you apply they will be overwritten.

    You are already using a Spanish locale?

    Instead copy the relevant definitions to conf/locale.php

    You simply need to add <br> tags where there are new lines.

    grep is your friend.

  • edited July 2015

    @x00 dijo:

    Don't make edits to something not maintained by you becuase if if has updates when you apply they will be overwritten.

    You are already using a Spanish locale?

    Instead copy the relevant definitions to conf/locale.php

    You simply need to add <br> tags where there are new lines.

    I know about locales changes thanks for suggestion. I have the locales folder and folder vf_es_ES on it with locales definitions.

    Do you know how to put an logo image like external url in locale EmailHeader definition or it possible only for html email.

  • Text email is only text. The only way to put images in an email is attachment or html.

    grep is your friend.

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