seems spammers tampered with my forum [SOLVED]
I have recently and suddenly begin to notice this unusual functioning of my forum. i feel it's the work of spammers or hackers. don't really know.
if i search in the search bar, i get this result
if i try to delete comment or post, i get this result
if a suspected applicant is listed in the applicants list, it appears this way
if i click on "like" using the i like this plugin, this is the result i see until i refresh the page before the button turns to "unlike"
Please i'll like to get peoples opinion based on this suspicions. What am i supposed to to get these fixed. Thanks
it looks like you have spam applicants.
the problems you have could be your own doing.
but your forum may not be compromised. are you running vanilla version 2.1.11?
the like plugin may not be working correctly. Disable it! and see if you have a problem deleting discussions.
as far as the the registrant.
you can stop alot of spam registrants with
the error in the first image may be a result of a bad plugin.
the answer is the same as in the last discussion you posted. post a copy of your config.php with (passwords and salts removed) otherwise we are just guessing.
see the faq AGAIN - run /utility/structure and /utility/update
also see (do you have the articles app enabled).
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
also see this to troubleshoot properly.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.
wow. i just got the first issue for search bar displaying error result solved. it was caused by "vanilla cms" application. Still working on getting others fixed. Will keep you posted
and finally, all issues solved.
I really appreciate your assistance and follow up @peregrine. Thank you so much. I'm really so happy now
A few tips before you use any add-on
and the discussions posted in the add-on section.
then you might avoid repeating the problems on your forum, that other people may have noted and you might have saved your self some time.
post what you found here concerning vanilla cms
or post under the specific add-on
post your findings for vanilla cms here
or here..
or here (click ask question even if it not a question).
glad you learned to troubleshoot.
I may not provide the completed solution you might desire, but I do try to provide honest suggestions to help you solve your issue.