small flaw plugininfo

jackmaessenjackmaessen ✭✭✭
edited February 2016 in Feedback

Found a small flaw in the plugininfo
Missing Name in the array and a comma after AuthorUrl:
Edited below:

// Define the plugin:
$PluginInfo['YagaDiscussionHeaderBadges'] = array(
   'Name' => 'Yaga Discussion HeaderBadges', /* added */
   'Description' => 'This plugin shows badges in the AuthorInfo of a discussion header.',
   'Version' => '0.1.2',
   'Author' => "Martin Wahnschaffe",
   'AuthorEmail' => '',
   'AuthorUrl' => '', /* , added */
   'License'     => 'GPLv3',

I noticed that when i did not find the plugin under the Yaga name in alfabetic order and the icon didn't show up


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