Rewrite urls gives me 404 error - or Galleries plugin is not working

edited March 2016 in Feedback

Installing a plugin "Galleries", faced with a problem: HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found, when they click on the "My Gallery".
Looking for answers i did not get any positive result. I tried different options: .htaccess - RewriteBase /, advice - I add this to the config.php $Configuration['Garden']['RewriteUrls'] =TRUE; - the result is always the same - HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found!
Look at this screen shot:
for me, it's very strange link?
When the bottom is completely different display hyperlink:

How to contact hosting support to clarify the possible cause of the error 404.0. I was given the answer that all settings are made accordingly to which any scripts or applications. The only one possible reason is probably present in the file gallery.php
I hope for your help in solving this problem with an error 404.0 :( If you wish to test plugin: Username - tester, Password - vanilla, thank you..

img.PNG 32.1K


  • Unexpectedly for myself, i found the answer to the problem existed removing comments activity. This topic has helped me to solve this problem. Thank you. I was surprised to not find the files
    in these folder .

    Next, as i thought - maybe the cause of my problems is the lack of some files in Vanilla? Maybe they were lost during upload? Perhaps it is because some plugins work properly?

  • With all due respect to your tips are really useful, but not in my case. I did everything as written: - it remains unchanged.
    And it is important that when added $Configuration['Garden']['RewriteUrls'] = TRUE; to conf.php do not open any forum page, except the homepage :o
    If the trust customer service hosting that problem file gallery.php
    i do not even know that it seek to remedy the situation with a Galleries plugin?

  • @vrijvlinder написал:
    Don't use the galleries plugin at all.

    Strange advice? Perhaps when a sore thumb, it is better to cut than to find the right solution and try to relieve the pain, thank you O.o

  • I tried to help you several times and don't know what else to do. I explained what needs to be done. Sorry, just don't use it.

  • @vrijvlinder написал:
    I tried to help you several times and don't know what else to do. I explained what needs to be done. Sorry, just don't use it.

    Sorry, but I have more than enough information provided about the error. So, i'm not webmaster or programmer and difficult for me to understand something in the code. You may just need more attentively to treat questions? Another possibility is that your point of view it looks like a joke, but it is. Thank you for not recommend to opt out of Vanilla, sorry that took your time to such detail.

  • noncenonce
    edited March 2016

    @kopna написал:

    you said: So, i'm not webmaster or programmer and difficult for me to understand something in the code.

    Dear Vanilla Comrades,

    I believe I will get attacked again as I have before, when presenting logical advice, improperly answered questions with respect to logic and detail, wild guessing, bruised egos, broken plugins, etc. etc. I have been called names. Burn me at the stake if you will due to my writing style. If I do not write like all of you, it is because I am not drinking your kool-aid. Attack if you must or Allow an alternative opinion, even if it stings.

    First off - you are not a webmaster or programmer. ok fair enough. This will not prevent you from finding out information about your forum, its setup, and underlying structure.

    Second - you have to remember, many of the people answering on the forum are not programmers, or webmasters, or may even jump to false conclusions or assumptions. Even the programmers and developers may jump to the wrong conclusion and provide the wrong information. There have been attempts to write tutorials in the tutorials category to overcome the learning curve and possibly other deficiencies of the lack of user friendliness or not and lack of information that comes with a vanilla download.

    Third - There are many plugins. There are many broken plugins. Perhaps 50% of the add-ons are currently broken with vanilla 2.2 The add-on section appears just to be an attractant like honey is to a bear. But you will be stung if you download a broken add-on. It appears quantity is desired over quality and there is a myth that people believe that these broken add-ons will once again come back to life (apocryphal at best). Hoarding of useless items is a common problem for some individuals. Much of the code of the broken plugins only gives insights on how to poorly code something for the current version of vanilla. The other problem with broken plugins is the perception that having a working copy on github makes up for a broken version in the add-ons section. Although there will probably be many excuses given why broken plugin is in the add-on section, yet the working add-on is in github or located somewhere else, they are not good excuses for the newcomer to vanilla. The other myth is if it is on github it is better written. Why the choice to have broken plugins that have been broken for very long time to remain in the add-ons is an elusive one, but it once again, does not help new users.

    A silly question or two if I may be indulged.

    Ok you have a rewrite problem!

    Do either of you know what kind of Webserver the op has. Be it IIS, Apache, Nginx or something else. I would advise the op to try to find out the information. Some information can be obtained remotely by the person replying, Some information should be provided by the person asking the question.

    Have you retrieved the proper rewrite module for your server. Do you even know if .htaccess is something that is even being read by your file server. Do you realize you may not be using apache server. you can find this out very easily.

    Do you know what your server is?
    Does IIS use .htaccess or does it use another method?
    Does nginx use .htaccess or des it use another method?
    Do you know what a rewrite module is?
    Do you have the correct rules for your server?

    all of the above can be googled. it may not be a vanilla problem necessarily, but just a lack of knowledge about your setup.

    Before you can solve a problem, you need to know a minimum of information about your setup. phpinfo and the tutorials may help. google is an option. your web host is another option.

    When presenting a question, the more info you provide in terms of your environment, will keep even the most automatic responder from providing you with bad or improper advice and even allow them to focus in on the most appropriate suggestion.

    This is not an attack on the gallery plugin which appears to work for other users. I have not tested it personally. It is however a suggestion on how to look at the question and the answer and how to provide information for both askees and answerers.

  • I do not know why you wrote that "long sheet"? You know better.
    Firstly-Error 404.0 - not a problem server or client.
    Second-This code problem in which incorrect referral to the appropriate folder.
    Third - Who is the author of the code?
    I can tell you how to design furniture, weld metal, manage trucks, to collect piles of metal .... and more - as i understand it well, you will not worry about all this, right? You need a bed - and how it is collected, you is not care. You need to deliver the goods - but you do not care how? The main result.
    And if you are upset, for example, foot bed a little shorter than the other, you ask manufacturer- Why? I know that the legs of the bed should be the same. Indeed?
    So, i asked the author of the plugin that right? I got? And you went to hell ...

    Schye i repeat - advice that the above does not work ?!
    Is it so hard to look in your own code examples and find out why? ( it does not personally identify you )

  • I do not know why you wrote that "long sheet"?

    I know, he is waisting his time with you as I did.

    I am done helping you. I explained several times what you need to do, it is not my fault you do not understand.
    Galleries plugin does not work unless you have rewrite url working .

    If you can't get $Configuration['Garden']['RewriteUrls'] =TRUE; along with the htaccess file to work and when you enable it your forum breaks, fix that first.

  • noncenonce
    edited March 2016

    kopna you said: If the trust customer service hosting that problem

    maybe this is misplaced trust or the wrong question asked.

    if your hosting provider cannot tell you what kind of web server they are using (apache, nginx, lighttpd, IIS, ...) or cannot assist you in setting up rewrting of url's, and help you ensure a re-write module is enabled for your specific web server, if needed .... then you must Run, but don't walk to a new host provider.

    Your best options may be to search for a host provider that uses an apache web server and follow the instructions provided in the installation. or if you are versed in nginx and know the proper rules that would be another choice for you to make. Vanilla does not play well if you are not re-writing urls and some web servers do not play well with vanilla. Apache although not the best in performance, but from the looks of it, it is the easiest to set up and the least buggy with regards to interaction with vanilla.

  • People you know how to read my answers?

  • edited March 2016

    Do you understand our answers ? I do not think so. You have been told several ways , several times the same thing over and over and you still refuse to get it ….

    What happens when you go to this url ?Правила форума

    If your answer is a 404 error, then your problem is that you do not have pretty urls enabled or have them wrongly configured in htaccess and config.php

    Fix your problem. Many things do not work if you do not have Rewrite on.

  • Here is the error, it is obvious to me what the problem is.

  • noncenonce
    edited March 2016

    привет моим друзьям в Португалии

    I'm a little groggy the wife made me sleep on the couch, forgot about the anniversary and the kid got into a car accident. you know how teen agers are.

    so I'll cut and paste.

    you said: So, i'm not webmaster or programmer and difficult for me to understand something in the code.

    Dear Vanilla Comrades,

    I believe I will get attacked again as I have before, when presenting logical advice, improperly answered questions with respect to logic and detail, wild guessing, bruised egos, broken plugins, etc. etc. I have been called names. Burn me at the stake if you will due to my writing style. If I do not write like all of you, it is because I am not drinking your kool-aid. Attack if you must or Allow an alternative opinion, even if it stings.

    First off - you are not a webmaster or programmer. ok fair enough. This will not prevent you from finding out information about your forum, its setup, and underlying structure.

    Second - you have to remember, many of the people answering on the forum are not programmers, or webmasters, or may even jump to false conclusions or assumptions. Even the programmers and developers may jump to the wrong conclusion and provide the wrong information. There have been attempts to write tutorials in the tutorials category to overcome the learning curve and possibly other deficiencies of the lack of user friendliness or not and lack of information that comes with a vanilla download.

    Third - There are many plugins. There are many broken plugins. Perhaps 50% of the add-ons are currently broken with vanilla 2.2 The add-on section appears just to be an attractant like honey is to a bear. But you will be stung if you download a broken add-on. It appears quantity is desired over quality and there is a myth that people believe that these broken add-ons will once again come back to life (apocryphal at best). Hoarding of useless items is a common problem for some individuals. Much of the code of the broken plugins only gives insights on how to poorly code something for the current version of vanilla. The other problem with broken plugins is the perception that having a working copy on github makes up for a broken version in the add-ons section. Although there will probably be many excuses given why broken plugin is in the add-on section, yet the working add-on is in github or located somewhere else, they are not good excuses for the newcomer to vanilla. The other myth is if it is on github it is better written. Why the choice to have broken plugins that have been broken for very long time to remain in the add-ons is an elusive one, but it once again, does not help new users.

    A silly question or two if I may be indulged.

    Ok you have a rewrite problem!

    Do either of you know what kind of Webserver the op has. Be it IIS, Apache, Nginx or something else. I would advise the op to try to find out the information. Some information can be obtained remotely by the person replying, Some information should be provided by the person asking the question.

    Have you retrieved the proper rewrite module for your server. Do you even know if .htaccess is something that is even being read by your file server. Do you realize you may not be using apache server. you can find this out very easily.

    Do you know what your server is?
    Does IIS use .htaccess or does it use another method?
    Does nginx use .htaccess or des it use another method?
    Do you know what a rewrite module is?
    Do you have the correct rules for your server?

    all of the above can be googled. it may not be a vanilla problem necessarily, but just a lack of knowledge about your setup.

    Before you can solve a problem, you need to know a minimum of information about your setup. phpinfo and the tutorials may help. google is an option. your web host is another option.

    When presenting a question, the more info you provide in terms of your environment, will keep even the most automatic responder from providing you with bad or improper advice and even allow them to focus in on the most appropriate suggestion.

    This is not an attack on the gallery plugin which appears to work for other users. I have not tested it personally. It is however a suggestion on how to look at the question and the answer and how to provide information for both askees and answerers.

    kopna you said: If the trust customer service hosting that problem

    maybe this is misplaced trust or the wrong question asked.

    if your hosting provider cannot tell you what kind of web server they are using (apache, nginx, lighttpd, IIS, ...) or cannot assist you in setting up rewrting of url's, and help you ensure a re-write module is enabled for your specific web server, if needed .... then you must Run, but don't walk to a new host provider.

    Your best options may be to search for a host provider that uses an apache web server and follow the instructions provided in the installation. or if you are versed in nginx and know the proper rules that would be another choice for you to make. Vanilla does not play well if you are not re-writing urls and some web servers do not play well with vanilla. Apache although not the best in performance, but from the looks of it, it is the easiest to set up and the least buggy with regards to interaction with vanilla.

  • you said: People you know how to read my answers?

    I don't. I thought my instructions were prescient and pretty clear, until you started talking about welding shorter legs on your bed.
    Anyways, I am a bit groggy and the wife made me sleep on the couch because I forgot it was our anniversary, so if I appear a bit coherent, it is because I slept on the couch. To add to that the kid drove the car into a ditch, you know how teenagers are, anyways, I am going to try to offer some more gems of advice. I'll cut and paste my previous info in case you can't remember it.

    @kopna написал:

    you said: So, i'm not webmaster or programmer and difficult for me to understand something in the code.

    Dear Vanilla Comrades,

    I believe I will get attacked again as I have before, when presenting logical advice, improperly answered questions with respect to logic and detail, wild guessing, bruised egos, broken plugins, etc. etc. I have been called names. Burn me at the stake if you will due to my writing style. If I do not write like all of you, it is because I am not drinking your kool-aid. Attack if you must or Allow an alternative opinion, even if it stings.

    First off - you are not a webmaster or programmer. ok fair enough. This will not prevent you from finding out information about your forum, its setup, and underlying structure.

    Second - you have to remember, many of the people answering on the forum are not programmers, or webmasters, or may even jump to false conclusions or assumptions. Even the programmers and developers may jump to the wrong conclusion and provide the wrong information. There have been attempts to write tutorials in the tutorials category to overcome the learning curve and possibly other deficiencies of the lack of user friendliness or not and lack of information that comes with a vanilla download.

    Third - There are many plugins. There are many broken plugins. Perhaps 50% of the add-ons are currently broken with vanilla 2.2 The add-on section appears just to be an attractant like honey is to a bear. But you will be stung if you download a broken add-on. It appears quantity is desired over quality and there is a myth that people believe that these broken add-ons will once again come back to life (apocryphal at best). Hoarding of useless items is a common problem for some individuals. Much of the code of the broken plugins only gives insights on how to poorly code something for the current version of vanilla. The other problem with broken plugins is the perception that having a working copy on github makes up for a broken version in the add-ons section. Although there will probably be many excuses given why broken plugin is in the add-on section, yet the working add-on is in github or located somewhere else, they are not good excuses for the newcomer to vanilla. The other myth is if it is on github it is better written. Why the choice to have broken plugins that have been broken for very long time to remain in the add-ons is an elusive one, but it once again, does not help new users.

    A silly question or two if I may be indulged.

    Ok you have a rewrite problem!

    Do either of you know what kind of Webserver the op has. Be it IIS, Apache, Nginx or something else. I would advise the op to try to find out the information. Some information can be obtained remotely by the person replying, Some information should be provided by the person asking the question.

    Have you retrieved the proper rewrite module for your server. Do you even know if .htaccess is something that is even being read by your file server. Do you realize you may not be using apache server. you can find this out very easily.

    Do you know what your server is?
    Does IIS use .htaccess or does it use another method?
    Does nginx use .htaccess or des it use another method?
    Do you know what a rewrite module is?
    Do you have the correct rules for your server?

    all of the above can be googled. it may not be a vanilla problem necessarily, but just a lack of knowledge about your setup.

    Before you can solve a problem, you need to know a minimum of information about your setup. phpinfo and the tutorials may help. google is an option. your web host is another option.

    When presenting a question, the more info you provide in terms of your environment, will keep even the most automatic responder from providing you with bad or improper advice and even allow them to focus in on the most appropriate suggestion.

    This is not an attack on the gallery plugin which appears to work for other users. I have not tested it personally. It is however a suggestion on how to look at the question and the answer and how to provide information for both askees and answerers.

    kopna you said: If the trust customer service hosting that problem

    maybe this is misplaced trust or the wrong question asked.

    if your hosting provider cannot tell you what kind of web server they are using (apache, nginx, lighttpd, IIS, ...) or cannot assist you in setting up rewrting of url's, and help you ensure a re-write module is enabled for your specific web server, if needed .... then you must Run, but don't walk to a new host provider.

    Your best options may be to search for a host provider that uses an apache web server and follow the instructions provided in the installation. or if you are versed in nginx and know the proper rules that would be another choice for you to make. Vanilla does not play well if you are not re-writing urls and some web servers do not play well with vanilla. Apache although not the best in performance, but from the looks of it, it is the easiest to set up and the least buggy with regards to interaction with vanilla.

    to that I can sleepily add if I am not too sleep-starved. that I forced myself to google a bit and these are three possible outcomes.

    привет моим друзьям в Португалии

    which did you mean...

    you have 3 options. fix your rewrite for your web server, switch forum software, use apache and configure correctly. and an unnumbered option install on nginx.

    with IIS - here is one way - switch forum software.

    here is another potential option.

    a third way. add apache and use the method you are being pushed towards.

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