Limit the amount of words used in titles

@keesha said:
How high are the chances for 2.3x that a "limit the amount of words used in titles" feature in the Dashboard/Advanced tab gets implemented?
I hope it will not be implemented because as I understand Vanilla, it offers not many config settings, but makes it really easy to do small changes. Wrap the below in a plugin, change "yourPluginName" accordingly and you have a plugin which does exactly what you need with just a very few lines of code.
public function discussionModel_beforeSaveDiscussion_handler($sender, $args) { if (str_word_count($args['FormPostValues']['Name']) > c('yourPluginName.MaxTitleWords', 4)) { $sender->Validation->addValidationResult('Title', t('Don\'t be so expressive!')); } }
Uh wow thank's for the code, but why don't you just upload this plugin to the database? I'm kinda sure that a lot of people are going to love you for this one.
But anyway thank you for your help i appreciate it a lot.
Writing those few lines takes me 5-10 minutes. If I make it a plugin, I would create a GitHub repository, add some description and commenting and it would take me 30 - 45 minutes.
If you make it a plugin because you need it, it would be great if you would publish it! Those are just two lines of code, so I do not claim any rights on that at all. Make it your first plugin!
I somewhere have a HowTo plugin showing how to create a simple setting screen. Add this to the plugin to make it "complete". You will see that this is really easy
Allright, i'll try my best
Done here ^^ with a settings page.
But @keesha you're free to do a new one ^^
That was fast, @K17!
I do not see any errors in there only some things I would solve in other ways and old coding standard: function names should start with a lower case letter, bools should be lowercase, config settings do not need a "Plugins." start any more, plugins folder/name in PluginInfo array should start with a lower case
class TitleLimitPlugin extends Gdn_Plugin {
(if you do so, you need to deactivate the old plugin before you upload the new version and enable it)Thanks for feedback @R_J
I'm not à Good dev but I'll try this after ^^
But why put all of this lower case ? (It's a real question ^^ in dev I'm a newbie)
I was going to refer you to the Example plugin referenced in the quickstart documentation, but it looks like it does not follow coding standards. Some of the other plugins follow coding standards but some also don't support the current version of php that is required for the stable version of vanilla, so you have to weave around, and use your best judgement.
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.
Here is an official example plugin with the current coding standards:
Oh, I just see that I've post the TitleLilit link of 1.0 version only X) Here is the one who target the last version
if there are any moderators here that can make this discussion appear under K17 plugin it would be helpful … because otherwise this discussion is less useful than it should be…
❌ ✊ ♥. ¸. ••. ¸♥¸. ••. ¸♥ ✊ ❌
@vrijvlinder True
I'm sorry for this I "forget" what was the main topic here 
@K17: I see you have problems with the title in the settings screen. There is a bug and you can only see the title after you have saved your settings. It should be translatable when you name your translation file
(I've already used "titleLimit" here which should be the name following the current naming scheme.The bug with the title is here with plugins using the configuration module for me
And when I tried to translate it, nothing happend.
EDIT: I've just fixed the title problem. I'll upload a new version later.
It is a bug in configuration module which is already known and fixed in version 2.3:
The most easiest way to avoid that bug is to use the code for the config module in that order:
Set the title after the initialize() and before the renderAll() method
@R_J Yes, I've seen this
I do this correction on the 1.4 
this may be a good idea, and perhaps the most important to make plugin compatible with more versions of vanilla (past and perhaps future).
You did a nice job at following suggestions to improve your plugin, much easier to read, no clutter with debug statements, locale correct, and consistent syntax, good screenshots. Excellent.
At one time it was better to use and probably still better to use
class TitleLimitPlugin extends Gdn_Plugin {
class TitleLimitPlugin extends Gdn_Plugin { // more compatible and follows staff defacto conventions,
and NOT:
in some versions of vanilla not adding Plugin in the ClassName caused problems with mobile and themehooks,
it looks like Vanilla Staff still use this convention and although it might not cause a problem with your version of vanilla, you get a greater lifetime of plugin if you follow the defacto conventions even if the underlying reason in the plugincontroller has corrected the issue that was the cause of problems with mobile themehooks, testing for mobile etc.
that doesn't mean conventions won't change in the future, but it will be easier to notice if you follow the staff conventions, because it will be easier to notice changes, and you won't be left guessing what cause the issue, because you can see what the latest conventions is, even if they are not announced by looking at the changes at staff plugins as the versions increment.
whenever you change or add classes or locales or setup or structure in a plugin, or update an addon you should always disable and re-enable the plugin via the dashboard
Pragmatism is all I have to offer. Avoiding the sidelines and providing centerline pro-tips.