Vanilla API List Discussions By Category Endpoint?

xifekoboxifekobo New
edited October 2016 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

I found this help page but on the github wiki there's no indication that this is still supported.



  • I got it but it seems it list all discussions and not support pagination..


  • That page you are referring to is for the hosted version of Vanilla. Most of what is said there also applies to the OS version, but if you need an API, you would have to use a plugin solution, Thankfully there is one:

    To my understanding there will be an API available for the open source version in one of the next versions.

  • Yes RJ, that's what I'm using right now (see my 2nd comment). I'm saying there's no pagination on the given endpoint which is/api/categories/id compared to the hosted version.

    I guess that will have to do for now. thanks

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