Missing Recent Discussions, My Discussions, etc. New Discussion Automatically Creates Poll?

Lots of issues after upgrading to 2.3. Not even sure where to begin.
Lots of issues after upgrading to 2.3. Not even sure where to begin.
Disable all plugins via the dashboard.
Reset theme to baseline.
If errors are gone, enable custom theme.
If still no issue, re-enable plugins individually to find the culprit(s).
Everything set to default, still not showing recent discussions, my bookmarks, my discussions. New discussion doesn't create poll, however, when a new discussion is made, no new discussion.
When I click on latest post, takes me there, but otherwise no posts in a category or elsewhere.
I think I've got it mostly working. Disabled the poll and reinstalled 2.3.
good idea that you chose to disable plugins and re-install.
in addition to following the steps in the Readme when installing, here are some other additional steps and troubleshooting ideas.
follow the steps in this link. Even though it says 2.1 to 2.2 - the logic and troubleshooting will potentially help you solve problem.
where it says 2.1 think of it saying 2.2 and where it says 2.2 think of it saying 2.3
you can also use this plugin https://vanillaforums.org/addon/versioncheck-plugin to get phpinfo as well as located the newest version of plugins in the add-ons section (excluding github).
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