How to mute a user?

I have installed Vanilla Forums and already have questions from users used to other forums software, like "how do you mute another user on Vanilla forums?" (meaning "don't want to read his comments! :p ).
I looked at this and to plugins. Don't see how a user can do this. Did I miss something?



  • There used to be a plugin called Talk2DHand but it was not very popular ... :P

  • Ty vrijvlinder - Dank U. And Happy New Year. I really need this. Did google it and found nothing. Except plugins links that lead to sites my antivirus blocked. O.o

  • @Judy_Dressler

    There is this plugin: which does what you want, I think.

    Any post by an ignored user is hidden in the thread by default, but can be clicked on to reveal.

    If you want your users to be able to do it anonymously, you may need to edit it a bit, as if an ignored user tries to PM an 'ignorer' they get a message like - Your message can't be sent as this user is Ignoring you.

  • I found ignore plugin since I posted and seems to be what I wanted. Plus I don't need anonymity and message above is exactly what is wanted by user ignoring another. Will test it soon. TY all the same and Happy New Year!

  • Ignore is now added to my forums (Vanilla 2.3). Works perfectly. TY!

  • edited January 2017

    I cannot edit my own comments? Please read Vanilla 2.2.1 and not 2.3. above.
    Haaaa I see now. 15 minutes on edit! Wooow. Very low for all time zones!

    Just had bad surprise to discover (via config.php I was looking at for another reason) that my hosting provider did install 2.2.1 and not 2.3.

    I should have installed myself. Now I need to look how to migrate rapidly without loosing what we have already in a few weeks only. Will look here for help on best way to update.

    Ty for any pointers to posts I should read.

  • K17K17 ✭✭✭

    To upgrade from 2.2* to 2.3, you should
    -Backup your database, and your conf/config.php file.
    -Upload Vanilla 2.3 (Overwriting 2.2.* without exception)
    -Go to yourforum/utility/update
    -Then check if all work now.

  • Un grand merci pour la "to do" list K17. La suivrai à la lettre.
    Je ferai également un backup de la directory qui contient les uploads de mes utilisateurs.

  • edited January 2017

    And I should backup my locale and reload plugins.
    But let's not continue here as my initial question was about ignore.
    Sorry for forking the OP.

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