Social Connect not showing

Hey buddy, the layout of your theme is definitely the best and more modern of all the ones available (I've just installed it on my blog).
I was wondering if you plan to include the social connect buttons (twitter/facebook) on the signup process or if there's a way I can do it manually. These kind of signups are really important nowadays.
If you go to your dashboard --> social you can enable twitter facebook and google plus. On that page are also instructions how to set up those log in functionalities.
It is On, the problem is that the "entry/register" page for this theme doesn't include the Signup with Facebook/Twitter buttons. For the rest of the pages (like "entry/signin" for example) it works fine.
PS: even on this forum, the Facebook connect is not working properly
@viajanteanonimo Yes right, It does not support social connect. I want to add it as premium feature.
Does premium theme support social connect?