Vanilla 2.3 robots.txt example is needed

Hi guys!
I'm looking for starting point, and example of robots.txt file for Vanilla 2.3.
Where I can get it?
Could you please share you knowledge to community in this topic?
So please, place your working templates of robots.txt here.
Thanks in advance!


  • Why not keep it simple? :bleep_bloop:

    User-agent: *
    Allow: /
  • Do you think is a good idea for forum security?

  • If your security concept is based on robots.txt, you are doomed ;)

  • Security must be provided by the web app, not by robots.txt

  • I understand you.

    But I also remeber "good old times of us" when /admin dir of some kind of CMS was indexed by search engines.

  • You could disallow /dashboard/* and /settings/* if it makes you feel better, but that has nothing to do with security at all.

  • OK, thanks, I'll try that.
    Is Vanilla "out of the box" SEO-friendly engine?

  • I do not know much about SEO, but as far as I know there are no SEO tweaks needed at all for Vanilla

  • @Twissell said:

    Is Vanilla "out of the box" SEO-friendly engine?

    In my experience, absolutely.

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