
  • edited April 2017

    you can modify your autolinks via the class.autolink.plugin.php

    look for $wordlinkArray around line 90 and set the word (or words) you are looking to link and the link.
    The search will search for one word, or two and three word phrases. Each word to search for must be between 4 and 15 characters.

    the plugin may not work with unicode and you will need to read other discussions relating to the plugin and dealing with unicode.

    caveat: inline images must not have tags or autolinks within the title or alt.

    if "homerun" is in your title and is a tag or autolink precede the homerun with a dash.

    i.e. in title and alt change homerun to -homerun


    <img alt="homerun image" src="" title="homerun">
    change above to 
    <img alt="-homerun image" src="" title="-homerun">
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