Post to specific Category with specific User

StanleyHStanleyH New
edited May 2017 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Good day all...

Just installed Magpie and ran a test using the recommended feed and it appears to be working; however the GUI only goes up to 'Category 10' and I'd like all RSS to be posted to Category 48 as a user I created called 'TalkBot' so I edited the file class.magpierss.plugin.php like so but I don't think that is the right spot as the one discussion that was created posted elsewhere.

// Grab posted values and merge with defaults
$FormPostValues = $Sender->Form->FormValues();
$Defaults = array(
'MagpieRss.FeedOption.Historical' => '1',
'MagpieRss.FeedOption.Refresh' => '1d',
'MagpieRss.FeedOption.UserID' =>'5',
'MagpieRss.FeedOption.CategoryID' =>'48'

I did create a custom Feedburner feed for the RSS I'm trying to use as well...

Vanilla 2.3 with latest Magpie downloaded from the Addons section.


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