overdrive en locale

I have a question. How can I overdrive local en at theme folder.
I can overdrive other locals. I created a folder with locale name. but it doesn't work for en. a locale file to conf folder method is not useless for a theme. is there a method for overdrive en local in theme folder or a themehook function?


  • K17K17 ✭✭✭
  • if I dind't get wrong, it says create a locale.php file to conf folder for en locale in installation folder, but I want to overdrive en locale in custom theme folder. I cannot for only default en locale :/

  • K17K17 ✭✭✭

    This conf/locale.php file is called after others locales, so it will override all locales definitions that it contain.
    I do not understand what you want exactly

  • He wants to have a theme-specific translation. There is one hacky way, but give me some time to look for an elegant solution...

  • firstly, thanks for your effort to help me,
    conf/locale.php method works in vanilla installation folder. I want to do the same in the custum theme folder.
    the way you said: vanilla\conf\locale.php
    my pursuit vanilla\themes\customtheme\locale.php or vanilla\themes\customtheme\locale\en.php or a themehook func

  • Using /theme/name/locale/en.php works for me. When you create a locale file or rename it, you should always clear the cache: delete all /cache/*.ini files and restart memcached if you are using it

  • thank you <3
    as you said, it works after clear the cache.

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