Installation - Homepage setup [RESOLVED]

khemistrykhemistry New
edited March 2018 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8


I am new to Vanilla Forum and I have been setting up a instance of the forum in a local dev environment, and also a remote(both running php 7.1 and MySQL 5.7) while using the default config included in the release. and I am seemed to be stuck doing the initial community setup as described here - getting-started

My installation does not have the homepage setup

Am I missing a step in what's described in the readme.txt included in the core files to the "Getting started" phase.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • @khemistry

    Welcome to the community.

    It's not clear what stage in the set up you have reached.

    Are you able to access the Dashboard?

    Can you access the 'dummy' discussions?

  • R_JR_J Admin

    You can find the option (similar, not identical) in APPEARANCE->Layout

    There are two reasons I can think of why the documentation you look at differs:
    1. The dashboard is quite new and maybe that part was restyled/named at some time
    2. You are looking at the documentation for the hosted solution. There is no documentation like that for the open source version. Most features are the same, so that shouldn't be a problem, though.

  • @whu606

    The way I got to this stage was by following the installation instructions in the Readme file

    • Deployed files to server
    • Set the cache, conf, and uploads directories to be writable
    • Renamed config-defaults.php to config.php
    • Renamed .htaccess-dist to .htacess
    • Then on the browser went to the installation location and followed and completed the form which asks for the DB details and other forum related info(admin, pass, title, etc)
    • Next I was taken to the dashboard/settings where I proceeded to try to configure the forum by following the "Getting Started"

    I am attaching the config currently using, also I get a 404 when trying to navigate t,o the homepage /index.php
    which is the only thing that appears under Apperance - Layout @R_J

    I do also get a 404 if i try to go /discussions,

    The following are the tables that have been created, there's 4 demo discussions in gdn_discussions which below to the general discussion category

    To me it seems like a routing issue happening, I will fire up the the IDE and try to debug it from there. BTW do these look ok

    If you are able to see anything wrong in my setup please let me know, once again thanks for your help.

  • R_JR_J Admin

    Are you using a windows server? The table names are wrong. It must be GDN_UserRole etc.
    There is a problem with the htaccess file provided. Search this forum and you will find a shorter alternative which should work

  • I have it running now, I ditched the failed installation and started from the beginning but instead of downloading the package from this site I cloned the repo from github and checked out the 2.5 branch and deployed this. once deployed I ran composer install once completed, navigated to the site entered the DB settings and site information. and so far everything looks good.

    Thanks for all your help.

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