Making Discussion non-visible [RESOLVED]

FiggyFiggy New
edited April 2018 in Vanilla 2.0 - 2.8

Hello all. New to Vanilla Forums. Love it so far!. But have a question. I noticed that users can still view discussion threads before having to sign in. Is there a way to set it up so that a user has to sign in before being able to read discussions? THank you!


  • whu606whu606 MVP
    edited April 2018


    Welcome to the community.

    You have a choice.

    In the Dashboard, go to Settings and then down to Roles and Permissions.

    At the top of the page, you can 'slide' the button to enable Private Communities.

    With this selected, anyone not signed in will only see the sign in/up page.

    Alternatively click the 'pencil' at the side of the role Guest and edit the Default Category Permissions - Discussions - View so the box is unchecked.

    This will allow someone not signed in to see the main page of your forum, but not any discussions.

    Try them both and see which suits.

  • Thank you! Making it a private community was exactly what I wanted!

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