How can i get the username?

Is there any easy way to get the username or other user info data programmatically inside my default.master.tpl file . Is there any smarty function for that ?


  • R_JR_J Admin

    Do you plan to upload your theme here? I would be interested to see a theme which is heavily using Smarty.

    Other projects that I have seen which were using Smarty, made use of blocks and so the theme was very modular. That was useful because some information isn't needed e.g. in the admin section. I'm curious how you are doing it =)

  • @R_J sure i will upload my theme here after completion. I think it will make the difference. I was thinking if i could make a suggestion so it is the default theme of vanilla as it is very clean with an improvement UI ;)

  • R_JR_J Admin

    Sounds great! I have some thoughts on that:

    If you want to improve the default theme, you should do so by creating pull requests/issues over at GitHub. There are several reasons and the most important one is that this is the place where your voice is heard and where decision makers discuss.

    Someone might have pointed you to this repo which is a new editor that uses React, which may be a hint that there is a new React theme coming.

    And someone might have told you, that a new default theme is already being worked on...

    You seem to make use of Smarty far more than it has been done by now. Most everything in Vanilla can be changed by plugins. I'm not sure if that is equally easy when relying on Smarty that much. Therefore it could that your theme might have problems with a bunch of plugins.

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