Multi-voting possible?

It looks like users can add as many upvotes as they like? Is this by design, broken, or misconfigured?


  • @rossum said:
    It looks like users can add as many upvotes as they like? Is this by design, broken, or misconfigured?

    I would think of it as a bug, however only @R_J can confrim whethere this is possible or a bug.

  • As an Admin you should be able to do whatever you like, but a normal user shouldn't be able to vote more than one time

  • @rossum did you confirm what happened and if this is possible for users also?

  • @PCTipsGR @R_J I have not had a chance to test further.

  • @rossum said:
    @PCTipsGR @R_J I have not had a chance to test further.

    Give me a link to your forum if you can (via PM too if you like privacy) if you want me to test it or create a user account through Dashboard and test it.

  • @PCTipsGR I actually wound up disabling the plugin. Do you still want to test?

  • @rossum said:
    @PCTipsGR I actually wound up disabling the plugin. Do you still want to test?

    Yeah. It would help.

  • The intention has been that an admin (or someone with the permission "Plugins.Rating.Manage") can vote whatever he want and other users (with the permission "Plugins.Rating.Add") can up and downvote

    • only other users posts
    • as often as they like but
    • only change the rating by max -1/1:
            // Prevent users from voting on their own posts.
            if (!$canManage) {
                $post = $postModel->getID($postID);
                if ($post->InsertUserID == Gdn::session()->UserID) {
                    return false;
            // Determine rating.
            if (Gdn::request()->get('rate', 'up') == 'down') {
                $score = -1;
            } else {
                $score = 1;
            $currentScore = $postModel->getUserScore(
            $newScore = $currentScore + $score;
            // Ensure that users without manage permissions cannot give
            // a score > 1 / < -1.
            if (!$canManage && ($newScore > 1 || $newScore < -1)) {
                return false;
  • Seems like the plugin works just fine. Users cannot vote more than 1 time.

  • @PCTipsGR You're right! I was testing originally with the admin account, which had the "manage" permission.

    Thanks @R_J !

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