Update discussion post count

Is there a fix for this problem? I use Vanilla version 2.8 and PHP 7.2
My forum address is: heauxguides.com/forum
Is there a fix for this problem? I use Vanilla version 2.8 and PHP 7.2
My forum address is: heauxguides.com/forum
Visit heauxguides.com/forum/dba/counts
Thanks! Everything updated once. How do I make it so it updates automatically?
Normally that shouldn't be a problem. IIRC it only can be out of sync if you delete (or move?) discussions.
Or split/merge comments?
It's a problem currently for me. Is there a setting I can change? I already deleted caches out of smarty compile folder.
In Right hand side panel: The overall category count is fine and updates. The actual individual category counts do not.
Comment count does not update automatically either.
Did you try