How do I upgrade?
Hi. I'm hosting my forum at I'm not hosting it though, a company is doing it for me. I'm using version 7.0.19. how do I upgrade to the latest version of Vanilla?
Hi. I'm hosting my forum at I'm not hosting it though, a company is doing it for me. I'm using version 7.0.19. how do I upgrade to the latest version of Vanilla?
The latest version of Vanilla Forums is 2.8.3
I believe 7.0 is your PHP version.
Ask your hosting provider how to change that.
If the version is a typo and it is Vanilla Forums you need upgraded then check this
Did you install Vanilla through Softaculous control panel with your web host? If so, and if Softaculous has the latest version of Vanilla, you should be able to update Vanilla through the Softaculous control panel. Always make a backup of your files and database before doing so.
Add Pages to Vanilla with the Basic Pages app
Yeah I installed it through softaculaous. How do I update it from there?
Wait, I don't think softaculaous has the lastest version...
I know how to change the PHP version. What version do I change to?
Always choose the most recent php version
Minimum required PHP is listed here:
Aw man. It requires 7.1 and I can only go to 7.0 😭😭😭
Tell your provider that Php 7.0 is out of support:
[I think this^ was caught in the filter]
Softaculous has VF2.8.3 ~ latest atm.
Okay so the problem is that I don't have a newer version of PHP. Thanks.
@evanlandreneau If you can't get to a secure version of PHP then there's not much that we as a community can do to help you. There are a lot of hosting providers out there that allow you to stay up to date. It's important to do this so that users' private information is not leaked or compromised.
I'm using free hosting. So mabey that's why they won't let me upgrade to the latest version of PHP.
That is rather common with free hosting that you do not get the newest - no issue with that.
The issue is they are really lacking behind. (4 months minimum).
What I would do:
Send them the link
Tell them this is a security issue.
Each release have a 2 year full support/update + 1 security support/update then reaches end of life.
7.0 reached end of life 10/1-2019 - at that time they should have moved you to 7.1.
7.1 reaches end of life 6/12-2019 - at that they should move you to 7.2.
It is ok they don't give the newest to free hosting, but if they don't keep a minimum security standard - they are not worth hosting with.
(I'd tell them that if it came to that, what else are they not upholding minimum standard on then)