.htaccess problems after enabling SSL [SOLVED]

I recently installed a fresh version of Vanilla 2.8.3 on a Linux host. Totally configured the site, all working perfectly. When I originally installed, I said "use Vanilla's .htaccess" because I didn't have any custom one on my site till that point.
Earlier today, I had to modify the .htaccess file at my web root, to redirect all http requests to https, as I now have access to an SSL certificate with my new hosting environment.
Now when I navigate to mysite.com/forum/ , I get http Error 500, "This page isn't working."
I tried appending the contents of the .htaccess file in the /forum folder to the bottom of the one at my web root, but that broke the forum AND my site! How do I best address this?
Thanks in advance....
Could you share your current .htaccess file?
Thanks and sure. Here's what's in the .htaccess file at the root of my public_html folder:
The .htaccess file in my Vanilla root at /forum is the unmodified original one I believe:
Actually, I think I had extra, redundant stuff in the .htaccess file at the root of my public_html folder. Here's what it is now:
Following up on my own - this is now SOLVED, and was self-inflicted.
I had inadvertently blown away the contents of the .htaccess file that specified that PHP 7.1 should be used on the site; therefore, PHP had reverted to v5.4 or similar. As soon as I replaced the code that ensures that 7.1 is used, everything started working normally again.
Sorry for the noise!
Thanks for posting the resolution.