Locale translation link broken

Hello, at this page:

The link to help translate is broken.


What is the correct link?



  • charrondevcharrondev Vanilla Staff

    Hmm. The interesting thing is that the link works for me (but I'm signed in and part of the vanilla transifex project). I'll see what I can do to sort out the permission issue there. In the end you'll need a Transifex account, but that 404 page is definitely unhelpful.

  • charrondevcharrondev Vanilla Staff

    In the mean time try https://www.transifex.com/vanilla/vanilla/ and see if you can request to join the ja locale.

  • R_JR_J Admin

    I can confirm the 404, but I remember that joining transifex wasn't enough even to see the translations and that it needed some action of your team back then when I have registered over there

  • Thanks! I was able to get to the translation page. I noticed its 99% translated though. (locale page says like 80%)

    Is there a way for me to update the translations in the locale file from transifex or do I need to wait for Vanilla staff to pull the update from Transifex?

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