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All discussion URLs leading to Something has gone wrong. page


I have checked the forum and found that all discussion URLs leading to Something has gone wrong. page.

Recently SSL certificate was added to my main domain.

You can check my site at this link:



  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭

    Can you access dashboard

    Have you tried:



    Disabling SSL

    Disabling plugins

  • /utility/structure >> Scan &

    /utility/update both of these leads to Something has gone wrong. page.

    I disabled all plugins all discussion came back how can I know which plugin caused the problem and how to fix Something has gone wrong. page. for /utility/structure >> Scan & /utility/update

  • Enable the plugins that you were using one at a time'

    Search 'something has gone wrong' to see how to turn on debug, to get a detailed error message.

  • I got the voting plugin causing all discussions to go to the Something has gone wrong page. But I still don't know what causing /utility/structure >> Scan &

    /utility/update both of these leading to Something has gone wrong. page.

    I have enabled the debug

    You can check my site here

  • R_JR_J Admin
    1. The debug modus is not suited for live forums. If you enable it, note down the errors that you see and disable it again.
    2. Since /utility/structure and /utility/update require admin permissions it is of no help to link to your page.
    3. I see a lot of notices like that "The addon with key wordcount could not be found and will not be started.", showing that you have some lines in your config pointing to non-existent plugins. You should delete those lines from the /conf/config.php (e.g. "$Configuration['EnabledPlugins']['Tagging'] = true;")
  • Ok I deleted all codes from /conf/config.php. But still some codes is showing like

    Gdn_PluginManager->checkPlugin() is deprecated. Use AddonManager->isEnabled() instead.

    what is that and how to fix that.

  • R_JR_J Admin

    Looking at your forum, where debug mode is still enabled, I see that it is connected to the qna plugin. Do you use the most recent version?

    Anyway, that is just a notice and no error.

  • I have updated the plugin and there is no error except

    info Could not find file 'oauth2.css' in folder 'oauth2'.

    Now the problems left are

    /utility/structure >> Scan &

    /utility/update both of these leads to Something has gone wrong. page.

  • Also there is this error when you open new discussion...

    Undefined index: Announce

    check at this link:

  • R_JR_J Admin

    Sorry, but this feels like a waste of time. Some days ago you have asked to get discussion removed because it shows "vital links", but you are showing those information to every visitor of your forum (that you are constantly linking)

    But that discussion was all about the same problem. I tend to close this discussion and simply "recreate" the old one...

    1. What is displayed as "info" or "warning" is not an error (otherwise it would be named "error"). So simply disable the debug mode and it is gone it will not influence the way your forum works.

    2. There are numerous discussions here dealing with "something has gone wrong". Read them and please come back with a more informative error(!) message.

  • I have tried updating the forum in incognito window and I got the following message does this addresses the update issue..

  • R_JR_J Admin

    You do not have the permission to update, which should be no surprise: you are not logged in => you are a guest => guests shouldn't be allowed to run admin tasks

  • I tried logged in and tried /utility/update it leads to Something has gone wrong. page.

    with no error message.. what can be done for this strange thing..

  • Do you guys provide FTP correction support

  • R_JR_J Admin

    I can take a look at it. But I would also need an admin user account for your forum

  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭

    Don't post admin info publicly.

  • edited July 2019

    You mean FTP access and Admin account for forums? How can I share it ?

  • R_JR_J Admin

    I feel a little uneasy to support a forum owner who doesn't know about private messages... 😆😮🤔

  • Hello R_J I have messaged you the details for Forum Support Access. Please let me know was that enough.

    Problems are

    /utility/structure >> Scan &

    /utility/update both of these leads to Something has gone wrong. page.

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