Couple of quick Q's

edited April 2009 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi there, I've recently discovered File Browser, and I must say - it is a great script. Thanks to Lussumo! I do however, have a couple of quick questions, I hope someone may be able to help me with. 1. Regarding the Files/Page setting (in config.xml) and the related little form at the bottom right of the page. What does this actually do? I see how the config.xml is used to set a default, and then a user can change as they desire, but i can't for the life of me see what the setting actually does. It's doesn't seem to be affecting anything? What is this mean't to do? 2. RE: config.xml <HideFiles> - it seems that this only hides the nominated files from the directory that the config.xml is located in. i.e. it does not propogate down to sub-directories - is this intentional? I wonder if it's possible to have it hide files in sub-directories as well? 3. Is there some extra requirements to get support for PDF's to work? I've tried uploading a couple of PDF's, and word docs, but when I click on the thumbs in File Browser I get nothing. Thanks again, and any help you can offer is appreciated.


  • I will get back to you on point 1, but are you sure that the files you specify to hide in the root config.xml file do not propogate? I always thought they did. Can you confirm they don't? I will go test that and the first point now.
  • Okay. 1. I have no idea what it does. It appears to do nothing. 2. It does not propogate, but you can hide the file sin sub-directories. Just copy the config.xml file and place it in the sub-directory. You can then specify different titles and different files to hide/block and the sub-directory will follow those rules. I hope that helped (except for the first part). Need any more help, just ask.
  • Hi, I have tested thoroughly, and yes - for me the <HideFiles> only hides them from the same directory as config.xml is sitting in. For example, my config is: <HideFiles>thumbnailer.php,index.php,.htaccess,Thumbs.db,_notes,dwsync.xml</HideFiles> All is fine for the root level of the File Browser app (i.e. the same directory as config.xml), but if I copy a Thumbs.db to a sub-directory, and then view that folder through FileBrowser, it is displayed. If I copy my _config.xml to the sub-directory as well, then it gets hidden. I note that you can have a config.xml in sub-dirs to allow you to have a different Intro message at the top of the page, and that's why I assumed that this was "by-design". It would be nice if this aspect of the config.xml did propogate down to sub-directories.
  • -- 3. Is there some extra requirements to get support for PDF's to work? I've tried uploading a couple of PDF's, and word docs, but when I click on the thumbs in File Browser I get nothing. -- The filebrowser won't display the content of these documents, but it will display 'Save' and 'Copy url' links at the top of the page under the document title. If you download them, (or link to them) they will work.
  • Vanilla Staff
    edited April 2006
    From the documentation:

    The Filebrowser enables the user to define how many files they view per page. This value is the default that is used before the user changes it. You can specify any integer here.

    I believe what is being misunderstood here is what exactly a "page" is. I've had a few people think that it is referring to the number of thumbnails, but this is not the case.

    If you are looking at the filebrowser and you click the double-arrows beside the next and previous buttons, it will display numerous items on a single page. The standard is to display 5. I'm talking about the text above and below the file being viewed, like this:

    |< << Previous Next >> >|

    Try clicking the double-arrows (>>) on the filebrowser at and you will see what I am talking about.
  • Ahhh - I see now. Thank you very much for explaining that.
  • edited April 2009
    @Mark "Try clicking the double-arrows (>>) on the filebrowser at and you will see what I am talking about." Yes, I've seen it, but once only first time. The next click on >> or << causes to just display one file/picture. :-( And this is what the people say that "it does nothing". Agreed - once is nearly nothing... Edit: Oops, shame on me! It really works if one clicks >> or <<, it does not work if one clicks "Previous" or "Next", which I may have clicked accidently. I think I may have to develop an instruction guide for my visitors...
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