Looking for a Plugin "show new comments/discussions only"

edited February 2020 in Vanilla 3.x Help

Looking for a feature or ability to have a logged in user click a link that will show all new content since the last time they visited. I dont seem to see this feature or search turned up nothing for this plugin. Any ideas or do i have to break out notepad++ and make my own :)


  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭


    Shows latest/newest at the top

    Lets users select their landing pad

  • This is for selecting which home page you want and is already actually built into Vanilla Forums... I am looking for a view so to speak that only shows whats new. Anything they have read is not there. Kind of like an inbox and after you read posts they are removed form these lists. I know the database store if the post is read or not by the user so its bold or not bold. I want it to only show unread

  • I think I am going to hook something into the "View: All, View: Following" and make a "View: Recent" then just do a simple hide on all divs/tables that are read or make my own filter for it!

  • That feature has been "removed". It can be used right now, but there is no guarantee it will work in future versions. Simply add a link in your new theme: https://open.vanillaforums.com/discussions/unread

  • Since it has been a normal feature, it can be seen in the DiscussionsController how it has been implemented and that hasn't been too difficult. So even if that simple link might not work in the future, writing a plugin which simulates this feature will be quite easy.

  • Why was it removed? Just not used as much do you think? Yeah from the looks of it writing a plugin would not be too hard as you state. I have this habit of wanting to edit the core code as its easier but will make my life a living hell come upgrade time so Plugin is the way to go

  • It was removed out of performance considerations. Vanilla makes its money by selling their solution to very big players and therefore some decisions are made for performance reasons. If a feature doesn't scale, it might be removed.

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