Event Calendar broken in 3.3

Any way the developer could help get this running for 3.3? My members are screaming for a plugin just like this so they can look at the calendar and see upcoming games and events so they don't plan a game or an event on the same date.

The plugin throws no errors that I can see but when you use the category chooser to select what category you want the capability to add event dates it never remembers it so I am curious if its even saving it to the database. Then I add the proper permissions for everyone to add event dates and it never shows up when creating a new discussion. Seems like this plugin is like 95% there for 3.3 just needs some tweaking.


  • Wow @R_J I just noticed that you wrote this plug in as well. Are you one of the developers for Vanilla or just like to contribute! Either way I am impressed with the number of plugins that I see are written by you!

  • I'm just doing that for fun. I don't even run a forum on my own 😆

  • Well I am trying to get it to work slowly.. By doing so i am also learning about plugins.. very interesting.. Any idea if you plan to update this plugin to work with 3.3?

  • Whenever I get to know that one of my plugins isn't working, I try to have a look at it. So I'll be looking at it in the next few days

  • rbrahmsonrbrahmson ✭✭✭
    edited February 2020

    I believe it is the change in Ver 3 that now requires to unserialize serialized content in config.php.

    anywhere you see


    change to


  • Actually i just did the opposite.... I changed it so the save code does not save it serialized so I only need to change it in one place!

    I changed the the following in class.eventcalendar.plugin.php

                // Save serialized CategoryIDs to the config.php

    To Be

          // Save CategoryIDs Array to the config.php

    It then saves into the congig.php as

    $Configuration['EventCalendar']['CategoryIDs'] = array (0 => '80', 1 => '34',);

    So the only issue I am having now is that in the code for deciding to show the date selector as hidden or not has a bug where it's not pulling the current CategoryID of the category we are posting in and because its blank the date form is always hidden,. Is there a reason why this code would not be returning the current CategoryID?

    $categoryID = $sender->Discussion->CategoryID;

  • NM found it I used

    $categoryID = valr('Category.CategoryID', Gdn::controller());
  • MrCaspanMrCaspan
    edited February 2020

    These two changes looks like it fixed everything @R_J

    obviously have a look, but this looks like it worked 100% for me now after these 2 changes!

    Attached is my file renamed to txt with my changes in it and your old code commented out above it for your review!

  • MrCaspanMrCaspan
    edited February 2020

    New upload, I found 3 bugs and I put the comment MrCaspan on them and commented out your code so you can see the change.

    1. Removed saving the selected categories as serialized and saves as just an array now (looks ugly in the config.php but it works)
    2. $oldUrl = c('CustomRoute'); there was no EventCalendar. selector on it so $oldUrl was always blank and was never removed from custom routes
    3. Added code to save the custom route to the config.php

    As far as I can tell @R_J these are the only issues I can see to bring it up to 3.3 compatibility.

    PS: I am not sure if I can talk or trust your code anymore.... from you files I found out you are a spaces guy and I am a tab guy :)

  • MrCaspanMrCaspan
    edited February 2020

    @R_J So found a few more issues so here is a new upload. All my code changes are marked with MrCaspan so you can have a look to see what I did and your coded is commented out above it.

    PS: I am not sure if I am allowed to talk to you any more based on the rules of the internet. It seems that you are a spaces guy and I am a tab guy..... :)

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