Yet another SSO with JS Connect, Node.js React

GavinatorGavinator New
edited February 2020 in Vanilla 3.x Help


First, let me say I have spent about two work days attempting this, and I have read just about every single post about jsConnect. I know this integration is not been easy for most, and it would appear their documentation is just purely lacking, almost as if they want people to pay! Either my implementation is wayyyy off, or I am missing a simple step.

I have setup JsConnect with the following config.

authUrl =

signInUrl = http://localhost:3000/login?Target={target}

my request-token-vanilla endpoint lives on my node server where I handle authentication for my regular react website. I do not understand the connection or intended flow specifically with Vanilla sso.

I have tested my server endpoint (request-token-vanilla) via the dashboard test, to receive the correct jsonp data, per vanilla's requirements. For example, I can use the test link to log in, with dummy data that I manually enter into the signed response, at

What I don't understand is how I can make the connection, or redirect back to vanilla after logging someone in from my http://localhost:3000/login?Target={target} react website.

When a user clicks login from vanilla, it redirects to my react site, once logged in via my node server, how do I send them back to the forums without vanilla calling my server endpoint again, but that would be an independent call from the login. Am I supposed to call something like myforums/sso?

I am confused.


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