The registration 'reason' err... thingy...

blizeHblizeH ✭✭
edited June 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
For some reason whenever people signup to the board I'm not recieving an e-mail confirmation, which in turn means I cannot read their 'registration reason' which I'm quite interested in reading, although I'm not quite sure why, haha.

So anyway, is there anyway to retreive these signup reasons or maybe just a way to read them in the future?



  • I may be wrong but don't they appear on the user page before you confirm, on the sidebar?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yes, they do appear on the account page before the user is approved/declined.
  • In response to the possible reason why you're not receiving emails, is sendmail enabled on your server? Or is it quite possible that your mailbox is filtering out and marking mail from the board as spam. If all else checks out, make sure the admin email you're sending to is correct.
  • I entered my Gmail account into there, I'm not sure if that'll have any relevance.

    I've also disabled the new account approval feature, so I'm guessing that's why I don't recieve any details :(
  • Dumb question, is there anyway to recieve an e-mail everytime someone signs up (so I can read this info) regardless of if I need to approve them or not?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Yep. That is the default behaviour. In Vanilla 1 the requirements are: 1. When editing the administrative role, make sure that "Notify by email of new applicants" is checked. 2. In your account preferences, make sure that "Receive email notifications when new users apply for membership" is checked.
  • "Recieve email notifications..." is ticked, but I can't find "Notify by email of new applicants" anywhere :(
  • Mark, would it be possible to create a role which can view stuff but not edit it as far as settings go? I assume its a ton of work you really have no desire to do?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It should be in the accounts tab on the "forum preferences" form under the "New Users" heading. It will only appear there if you are in the role that has "Notify by email of new applicants" checked.
  • Sorry for being dumb mark, but all I've got under the 'New Users' heading is this:
    New Users
    Receive email notifications when new users apply for membership
    Which is ticked.

    Where exactly can I find the ""Notify by email of new applicants" option?

  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Okay - wait. What version of Vanilla are you using?
  • 0.9.2, or something ;o
  • ? :(
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited April 2006
    Alright - Up there I said "In Vanilla 1 the requirements are:"

    I haven't used 0.9.2 in a long time, but I'm pretty sure that all you need to do is check that box on your account preferences. The role-related permission didn't exist in that old version.

    If you still aren't getting emails, you might want to check your email settings to make sure that the emails are actually going out. Also check your account to make sure that you're using the email you think you are and they are being sent to the right place.

    For the record, the discovery info is saved in the database, so you can go directly there if you want to review them. Or I guess you could create a new page to view it.

    Your best bet is to (here we go again) wait for version 1 to come out - the discovery info is displayed on the account page before the applicant is approved/denied as well as emailed to you.
  • Ahhh, I'm not sure if I setup the e-mail correctly, I never actually did anything beyond type in my Gmail account so I guess there lies the problem.

    I shall indeed wait for version 1 though, cheers mark :)
  • I'm not recieving the emails from my 0.9.2 forum either, even though the box is ticked and I put in the correct address.
    How would I go about setting up the email correctly? Is that something I have to do in one of Vanilla's files or on the server?
  • first, check your apache error log. there might be a clue in there as to why the emails are failing.

    second, try changing the SMTP settings on the Application Settings page. you need to figure out what SMTP server your host wants you to use, because it might be different than the server where your website is hosted.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    In 0.9.2 there were no smtp settings - it just used the mail app on the server (probably sendmail).
  • i'm just batting 1000 these days

    still, apache log might be helpful
  • edited June 2006
    i've run into this issue of sendmail errors. i know that my hosting service does not allow sendmail. how long will i have to wait before vanilla gets smtp authentication? a few days, weeks, months? i'm trying to decide if i should just wait it out or take the time to setup my own server? i'm new to this community. thanks for a nice product.
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