How to add google analytics code without using plugins
How to add google analytics code to head and body section for all pages without using plugins?
or what is the best plugin?
How to add google analytics code to head and body section for all pages without using plugins?
or what is the best plugin?
just use pockets in your dashboard!
pocket methode is nt working. I can't save pocket with google script.
You can add javascript code to your theme's default.master.tpl just before the closing </Head> tag. You would need to put it in your mobile theme as well.
It brings a error 😣
Are you sure it's the javascript code you are puting in and not your tracking ID code that goes in some apps?
yes I put java script code. then pocket couldn't save
Put the code between
When you just copy and paste the Google Analytics in the default.master.tpl for example, smarty compiler is breaking due to the js function with curly brackets '{}'
Adding {litaral} will ignore it, and google analytics code shold work without a problem.
not working. i cant put any scripts in to the pocket
I have problems using the Pockets interface too. I get around it by creating the record inside the GDN_Pockets table. In fact, I manage all my Pockets this way.