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Vanilla doesn't start after installation: PHP Parse error

Version: 3.3, downloaded today, 2020-03-20
PHP 7.3.16, Apache 2.4.6, MariaDB 5.5.64
I have copied the unzipped directory 'package' to /var/www and renamed it /var/www/vanilla. Everytime I go to the ip adress or domain name of my server, I see a completely empty page in my browser, and the following line is written to /var/log/httpd/vanilla_error.log:
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' in /var/www/vanilla/environment.php on line 74
(line 74 of environment.php looks like this:
spl_autoload_register([Vanilla\AliasLoader::class, 'autoload']);
Am I missing something in my installation, or is there a way to fix this issue?
Add this lione to your conf/config.php file to get more info on your error.
If that don't help try this
The error is shown already in the log. But it is quite surprising. That language feature is implemented since PHP 5.5: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.basic.php#language.oop5.basic.class.class
To me that looks like some kind of weird PHP/server configuration issue...
My Vanilla installation has not run succesfully and the file conf/config.php does not exist yet, so I copied config-defaults.php to a new config.php and edited this line, but it does not change the output to vanilla_error.log (editing config-defaults.php directly didn't have any effect either).
Note that I am not familiar with PHP, so if this is a problem in Vanilla's code, I'm not likely to find it.
It surely must be a server config thing if you are not seeing the install page. does your server meet all the requirements here.
If you are not sure contact your host