Categories Panel: count discussions greater than 1000

Hi all,
I wish to change the way discussions are displayed on the Categories Panel, when greater than 1000.
It currently displays as 1k, which is meaningless for my purposes. I need it as the whole number.
Can someone advise where this can be changed?
You can copy this function to your conf/bootstrap.before.php file (create if it doesn't exist):
function bigPlural($number, $singular, $plural = false) {
if (!$plural) {
$plural = $singular.'s';
$title = sprintf(t($number == 1 ? $singular : $plural), number_format($number));
return '<span title="'.$title.'" class="Number">'.$number.'</span>';
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@Bleistivt thank you very much once again. It works perfectly. I needed to reconcile the numbers back to the actual records in the database. Just to assure myself that things are equal.