I am looking for a working plugin for editing posts / discussions. But such a sculpture could change

I am looking for a working plugin for editing posts / discussions. But such a sculpture could change the color of the text.
I am looking for a working plugin for editing posts / discussions. But such a sculpture could change the color of the text.
Edit posts - controlled by role permissions.
Moving one or more posts from one discuss to another can be done with
What do you mean by 'such a sculpture'?
If you're an Admin, you have the ability to edit any post or comment regardless.
I mean such an editor.
That would be the Advanced Editor, you can find it in dashboard > settings > plugins and change posting format in dashboard > settings > posting
There is no editor which allows coloured text. That's not a problem with the editors, but a design decision of the Vanilla architects. I was not able to trick vanilla in any way so that coloured text can be used :-(
I use coloured text on my Vanilla site, using standard HTML <font color=red> blah</font>.
I guess that will work for a long time and therefore it is a good workaround. From the mere technical point of view there should be another option since that is no valid html5