
Has anyone else tried running vanilla forum on openlitespeed and Cyberpanel, it is completely free.

Openlitespeed is the opensource and free version of (really expensive) litespeed Enterprise. They both are drop in replacements for apache but much faster and use less server resources.

Litespeed and Openlitespeed are almost identical to each other except that Openlitespeed can't re-read apache config files like .htaccess. You have to restart Openlitespeed before it reads the new config which rules it out for shared hosting where all your customers are making changes but it is ideal if you are running your own website(s) and you don't mind restarting the server if you change config files.

I have noticed a big difference in speed compared to apache and even more on reload thanks to LSCache.


  • carootcaroot New
    edited July 2020

    My forum https://nachovni. org/ running on openlitespeed but without Cyberpanel. I`m fully satisfied. Its true, OLS use less memory than nginx.

    But for now there is some nasty bug with openssl and Wordpress. Details here

  • You should give Cyberpanel some consideration, it's free and fully featured like Cpanel or plesk but it is designed specifically for litespeed. There are no options for apache or nginx. I run two wordpress sites on php 7.4 with no issues.

  • I prefer pure console))) But maybe in future I`ll try it

  • still using apache ;-). works for me. Using cloudflare as DNS.

    thanks for the info👍️

  • Yes, Apache is still the most popular web server by far but that is mostly due to the better the devil you know syndrome. Apache is as old as the internet itself and although it has been upgraded, it's basic design has not changed. Back when it was designed then the internet was much quieter and Apache could cope just fine.

    Nowadays Apache is fine with new websites that are not busy but it struggles with high traffic.

    Nginx has been around for a while and can cope better with traffic but it is not a drop in replacement for apache and configuration changes are needed.

    Likewise Litespeed which is a drop in replacement has been around for a while but costs a fortune.

    Now we have OpenLitespeed which is free and is more or less a drop in replacement for apache.

  • Apache may be old but still working wonderfully and easy to configure🙂 for me.

    I tried learning nginx even bought udemy courses...didn't like it.

    Openlitespeed seem to be interesting👍️

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