How can I show both "Categories" and "Latest discussions" on forum home page ?

Hi there,

I know it's been asked once ( but this was two years ago; also I'm clearly not skilled enough to make use of the help proposed there... Tried to, though. :)

So how can I get Vanilla to display Categories AND Latest Discussions on the front page ? I don't need anything else, no other structural change – just have both on one page.

Thank you!

Best Answer


  • Long story short, I currently have either of these:

    And I just would like to have both at the same time:

    Fine-tuning CSS or HTML isn't a problem but as you can guess, the whole themes hooks matter isn't easy for me to grasp. I've looked it up here, read a bit, copy-pasted some code by others to see what happens... But I feel I'm missing the necessary knowledge to make it work without help. :(

  • BleistivtBleistivt Moderator
    Answer ✓

    The module solution proposed in that thread is probably the best. But you could also load in the categories using JavaScript similar to a solution I have proposed for the leaderboard recently.

    You should be able to use the included pockets plugin to display a pocket after the discussion list. You can then include this script:

    jQuery.get('/categories?DeliveryType=VIEW').done(function (html) {

  • Thanks a lot, it worked! ^^

    I was actually going for the module or theme hooks solution, as it seemed the clever way of doing it – I've read a lot about these and felt I could almost do it by myself... But your solution seems to work really fine and in a glimpse. :)

    I know of the Pockets plugin but didn't think I should use it. But the way it can display all block locations is sooooo useful actually! I had trouble finding out which locations I needed: "_before", "_after" and all... With Pockets everything shows up clearly and I trust it will help me later.

    Thanks for your help Bleistivt, much appreciated. :)

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