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Removing old roles when promoting?

Using Vanilla 3.3 and Yaga 2.0.2 (although I probably changed a thing or two).

I would like to set up an automatic promotion for new members and was experimenting with using Ranks to do that. Basically, a new member shows up and gets a New Member role, which lets them browse the forums and post stuff, but they can't edit profiles or signatures yet. This is to combat dodgy SEO outfits from opening up a bunch of profiles, stuffing their links in all the text fields and then leaving them there uglying up my nice members list in hopes of scoring some search engine points. Was especially popular back in the vBulletin days. Anyway, once a new member makes a few legit posts and sticks around for a while, I'd like to promote them to a regular Member who can access all the features.

This is easy enough. Just set up a rank that requires a few posts, a week since registration and dishes out the Member role. The problem is the New Member role sticks around after the promotion, so people that go through the process end up having New Member, Member in their profiles. Functionally not a big issue, since the permissions work like they're supposed to, but it does look a little silly. I could always go around removing the New Member roles manually, but that sort of defeats the purpose of automating it in the first place.

Can anyone think of any way to remove old roles when awarding new ones with a new rank?



  • Thanks for using the plugin!

    although I probably changed a thing or two

    If you are talking about general improvements, feel free to submit a pull request :D

    When a user is promoted, roles associated with the previous rank should be automatically removed. I guess in your case "New Member" is not associated with any rank. With the current system you would still need a base member role (this could be made private to not show up in profiles) and then create a rank that is immediately awarded on registration (e.g. by requiring 0 posts). With the next progression, the role will then be automatically removed.

  • Doh! I actually had it set up like that initially 😆, but then I figured I'd only need to promote to regular members. Yes, adding a rank for New members solved the multiple roles issue. Thanks.

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