where is the html file containing the navbar above? I want to change the position of the title to the left and give a large search bar in the middle ...
That could probably be done using CSS, but you could also adapt the master template in /themes/YOUR_THEME/views/default.master.tpl
Which theme are you using?
My themes: pure | minusbaseline - My plugins: CSSedit | HTMLedit | InfiniteScroll | BirthdayModule | [all] - PM me about customizations
VanillaSkins.com - Plugins, Themes and Graphics for Vanillaforums OS
i using gopi themes
by the way By the way, is there any site that provides premium vanilla themes besides the above?
That could probably be done using CSS, but you could also adapt the master template in /themes/YOUR_THEME/views/default.master.tpl
Which theme are you using?
My themes: pure | minusbaseline - My plugins: CSSedit | HTMLedit | InfiniteScroll | BirthdayModule | [all] - PM me about customizations
VanillaSkins.com - Plugins, Themes and Graphics for Vanillaforums OS
i using gopi themes