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Facing issue while making a keystone theme a Mobile theme/responsive

I am using Keystone theme and have done some customization over it. To make it a mobile responsive theme, have used the following line in theme setting -
$Configuration['Garden']['MobileTheme'] = 'keystone';
But facing some issues regarding the sync like updating the code only in keystone dir, the UI not responsive while checking in Mobile view.
Could anyone suggest why this is happening or what might be the cause?
For now, to overcome this issue, I have placed a copy of the Keystone theme code in the Mobile theme directory and it works but it is not a good approach.
Using Vanilla Version- 3.3
Keystone is native mobile responsive.
Have you tested without your customizations?
And which are they?
I made some changes to the new_style.css and default.tpl files. Firstly, I made these modifications just in the Keystone theme, but when I validated it in Mobile, the changes were not visible.
When I made these changes to the mobile theme, the changes were reflected.
Could you also please let me know why the Mobile theme folder exists if the keystone is already mobile responsive and what is the use of the new_style.css file in the applications/vanilla/design/new_style.css directory?