LOST Season Finale (possible spoilers to non-US/CA people)

edited May 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Holy crap.

Holy crap.

Holy crap.


  • I don't see any spoilers (yet). Good thing too, because it is sitting recorded waiting for me to watch. Must... practice... self... controll... */me vows to abandon this thread until after watching the finale*
  • Man, I thought last week was the "finale" I managed to catch the last 45 minutes, I hope they're doing a replay next week for those of us who missed most of it.
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    I hate LOST with much passion. Can someone share a spoiler so I can torment my UK friends with the knowledge of it... <evil laugh>
  • I used to hate Lost, but then I found my way out, and now I'm not Lost anymore.
  • And how 'bout that 24 finale...
  • Was that the 24th episode? :D
  • You mean you guys actually watch the eps as they come on tv and dont just download the whole series?
  • Well I said possible spoilers so if any got posted later, you'd be warned.
  • I didn't open this thread all day until I've watched Lost.

    I second Bergamots statement.

    For the 24 mention earlier on. Oh shit yes! CHRIST!
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Just watched lost. I thought it was awesome, but I hate that now we have to wait for what will seem like an eternity for a new episode. And what about the CSI season finale? Wackadoo!
  • i'd really like to see a solid tv show that ends after a reasonable number of seasons... like... lost, and prison break...
  • ... which *didn't* end after two seasons, but should have. in my humble opinion.
  • There have been implications that Lost may only go for three seasons...
  • yeah... but i've also read things that say that as many as six total seasons are possible. booo! my hope is that three is as long as they can drag it out... beyond that, there will be sharks. and there will be jumping. need i say more?
  • Finally convinced wife to watch it last night. Still halfway through season 1 of my 24 download, so didin't see that. Still no spoilers, I see. spoilers here--> Http://lostpedia.com
  • You want spoilers? Fine.

  • Yeah, now what the hell was that about?
  • Well there was a theory claiming that the island was Atlantis...
  • "FOUR TOES!"
  • New question: is that computer generated or did they build a giant foam foot?
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