debugging probs with large files @ thumbnailer
been messing all day long with a nagging problem:
Thumbnailer passes out if throw more than one ~2mb pic on it. Basically right now the only way to go for me is to select one pic at a time to be worked on. It seems to be related to some memory issue, however i can't resolve it.. as you can see below all relevant values are well above what one would consider "enough", but still..
What i tried so far:
- checked if any pics were broken or cmyk
- played around with NOT including icc profiles, or setting resolution to 72dpi (originals are 3542x4724px, 300dpi)
- tweaked my php.ini* by increasing all involved parameters..
I'm clueless.. can anyone help me? thx..
* the interesting parts of my php.ini:
been messing all day long with a nagging problem:
Thumbnailer passes out if throw more than one ~2mb pic on it. Basically right now the only way to go for me is to select one pic at a time to be worked on. It seems to be related to some memory issue, however i can't resolve it.. as you can see below all relevant values are well above what one would consider "enough", but still..
What i tried so far:
- checked if any pics were broken or cmyk
- played around with NOT including icc profiles, or setting resolution to 72dpi (originals are 3542x4724px, 300dpi)
- tweaked my php.ini* by increasing all involved parameters..
I'm clueless.. can anyone help me? thx..
* the interesting parts of my php.ini:
PHP Version 4.4.1
Server API CGI
Virtual Directory Support disabled
PHP API 20020918
PHP Extension 20020429
Zend Extension 20050606
Debug Build no
Zend Memory Manager enabled
Thread Safety disabled
Registered PHP Streams php, http, ftp, compress.bzip2, compress.zlib
Configuration PHP Core:
Directive Local Value Master Value
allow_call_time_pass_reference On On
allow_url_fopen On On
always_populate_raw_post_data Off Off
arg_separator.input & &
arg_separator.output & &
asp_tags Off Off
auto_append_file no value no value
auto_prepend_file no value no value
browscap /usr/local/lib/browscap.ini /usr/local/lib/browscap.ini
default_charset no value no value
default_mimetype text/html text/html
define_syslog_variables Off Off
disable_classes no value no value
disable_functions no value no value
display_errors On On
display_startup_errors On On
doc_root no value no value
docref_ext no value no value
docref_root no value no value
enable_dl On On
error_append_string no value no value
error_log php_error.log php_error.log
error_prepend_string no value no value
error_reporting 2047 2047
expose_php On On
extension_dir ./ ./
file_uploads On On
highlight.comment #FF9900 #FF9900
highlight.default #0000CC #0000CC
highlight.html #000000 #000000
highlight.keyword #006600 #006600
highlight.string #CC0000 #CC0000
html_errors On On
ignore_repeated_errors Off Off
ignore_repeated_source Off Off
ignore_user_abort Off Off
implicit_flush On On
include_path .:/usr/local/lib/php .:/usr/local/lib/php
log_errors On On
log_errors_max_len 1024 1024
magic_quotes_gpc On On
magic_quotes_runtime On On
magic_quotes_sybase Off Off
max_execution_time 300 300
max_input_time 300 300
memory_limit 100M 100M
open_basedir no value no value
output_buffering no value no value
output_handler no value no value
post_max_size 64M 64M
precision 14 14
register_argc_argv On On
register_globals On On
report_memleaks On On
safe_mode Off Off
safe_mode_exec_dir no value no value
safe_mode_gid Off Off
safe_mode_include_dir no value no value
sendmail_path /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i
serialize_precision 100 100
short_open_tag On On
SMTP localhost localhost
smtp_port 25 25
sql.safe_mode Off Off
track_errors On On
unserialize_callback_func no value no value
upload_max_filesize 16M 16M
upload_tmp_dir no value no value
user_dir no value no value
variables_order EGPCS EGPCS
xmlrpc_error_number 0 0
xmlrpc_errors Off Off
y2k_compliance Off Off
Zend Optimizer:
Optimization Pass 1 enabled
Optimization Pass 2 enabled
Optimization Pass 3 enabled
Optimization Pass 4 disabled
Optimization Pass 9 disabled
Zend Loader enabled
License Path no value
GD Support enabled
GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
FreeType Support enabled
FreeType Linkage with freetype
GIF Read Support enabled
GIF Create Support enabled
JPG Support enabled
PNG Support enabled
WBMP Support enabled
XBM Support enabled
This discussion has been closed.
i finally resolved the issue.. or part of it: Forget those phpinfo values above, cause actually the server limits power/script-time ..
in above case it's only 13mb memory, 8s CPU time, 90s script time. bummer.. ;-/
However this leads to another thought: Why not segment the thumbnailer actions.. wouldn't that be possible somehow?
That would make filebrowser way more usable on accounts which aren't top notch memory/scripttime-wise.
In the mean time i'm considering to write an extension to my upload page, so every single pic gets immediately thumbed once uploaded..
alas that's just a workaround..
Many thanks,