link from Design Melt Down
getvanilla is linked from a fresh article from Design Melt Down. Nice words many will echo here from a nice resource:
PS: It'd be interesting to hear what your favourites are from the forum examples on design melt down are. Or for that matter, any other examples you really like?
Personally I find most forum app's to be rather confusing, and this is ironic since I consider my self a rather technical person. It seems to me that forums need a simpler format, a more basic means of enabling conversation. I highly recommend you check out vanilla, a new type of forum app. I only wish I could find something as elegant in .net.Mark, perhaps you want to get a 1.0 beta notice onto
PS: It'd be interesting to hear what your favourites are from the forum examples on design melt down are. Or for that matter, any other examples you really like?
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just checking some interesting forum designs and approaches I've noted:
- Typophile – clean, clear, discussion centred and with some very nice touches for visual interest. Naturally, designer-centred.
- Spotleid – minimal almost to the extreme
- Aqua Soft – okay, nothing new with the design inspiration, but the makeover is convincing and very polished.
- AIGA Designforum – a very different approach, at times more of an open-contribution blog, but the overview page gives a mix of different overview formats. Compare for instance the start page (scroll down for discussions) with a sub-forum overview. Note: they could really do with a spam hurdle. There's a thread on the MacBook Pro on there with 612 replies, 4 of those actually on topic!
- Designmadeingermany – another design forum with an almost vanilla-like approach but with the 'category page' on the main page too.
Sorry, all rather design-centred but you can suggest some to restore the balance :-)I'll add more as and when I dig them out.
Main Page:
Memories. Awesome design, BTW.
*Goes off to play some Commander Keen*
As for a Vanilla sample you could use.. look no further then Bergamot's forum:
Great example at what a customized version of Vanilla is.
There were some vanilla site mentioned recently in this thread, notably the Johnson&Johnson and the MAKE forums. Bergamot here has one with quite a different look (yep, ADM said that already), stuart ( has/had a nice looking vanilla theme (but can't find it off the cuff - maybe offline?), and in another thread this interesting one was posted too:, which is also based on vanilla.