Super Collab (basecamp)

edited May 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
As many people were talking about how they wish there was some open source basecamp type thing i thought well hey why cant you just make one off vanilla as one big collab. I mean someone makes the framework (well mark pretty much has) and then everything else could run off the extensions. This means that users could submit their extensions to make up basecamp style script. Such as a todo list..etc well just a thought really. Thought it might be good for people to get involved in and also make it quicker and get some motivation to actually make something :P


  • Building basecamp off a forum doesnt make a huge amount of sense. Unless you're talking about building basecamp off the lussumo framework in which case it'd take a lot of familiarisation methinks.
    As a collab in general it could be a good idea but it'd need a lot of management. Someone get a basecamp account...
  • hehe i meant the framework :P Maybe even mark could set us off in the right direction? you can get a free basecamp account. It Justs means it could be basecamp with even more features as the users adds more.
  • Hi, i've made something like this a while ago, but there's not very much functionality in this. Actually I have no time to develope this...
  • is it based on vanilla framework? if so can i see the code please, i wanted to make an extension for todo list on vanilla itself
  • I highly doubt it is. It looks pretty basecampy though.
  • No it isn't based on the vanilla framework.
    And I also don't know where I should begin, that it is based on the framework...

    I think a "ToDo List" for Vanilla wouldn't be too much work... Just add a new tab, some tables in the database and the interface ont the new tab...
  • I could create a To-Do list extension, but what would be the benefit? You want to assign tasks to board members?
  • edited June 2006
    no i meant todo list as user in account panel can have their own to do list and when the day comes it will display a message saying what they are meant to do ( like the notifiy things ) and have a button to complete/cancel wihch will remove it. Nah i just meant it so users could organise stuff on the forum. Like a personal calander i guess but differnet. I was trying to look into making it yet i cant seem to do it right and i dont get much help. (see some help please thread) also can i please have the source code for what you made it looks good. Maybe i can teach mself some things from it and adapt it if i have permission. I am new to php and still in very basic stages.
  • I'll create something simple, and ofcourse, when you download the Add-on you automatically have the source code :)
  • edited June 2006
    i meant the source code of the other guys project :P hey jazzman you dont mind kinda teaching me as you do it do you? so i get better at php by watching someone else and also get to see my idea for vanilla being made? do no feel obliged to say yes, not that you will anyway
  • In my project you can only see the XHTML/CSS and a little bit of PHP, because it's actually not really working...
    the best thing, would be to download some extensions and take a look at the source code. Then you will learn something...
  • yeah i did that :P but when i try putting content ont he page just a simple hello it would put it in a obscure place like under the panel links. Also no one told me if i needed css to fix it and some divs or what.
  • look in the extensions, how for example the links in the panel are added and you can use it in your extension, this isn't so difficult.
  • edited June 2006
    not to change the subject, but you guys may be interested in this new PM software that is currently in beta -
  • edited June 2006
    Ok, I've almost finished the addon. Here's what it's going to look like. Only have to do a few more things, but it's late and I have to work tomorrow :P So I'll finish it tomorrow.

    It's fully ajax based, just like the one on basecamp.
    When it's done, I'll start a topic on how I created this extension for others to learn.
  • Impressive Jazzman :).
  • The mans a machine! I need to learn how to do this when i'm done learning further maths :(
  • wow... In two hours?
  • ummm... the add-ons file is empty
  • What addons file? It's just reserving the place :)
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