Bottom of Page Link in IE

MarkMark Vanilla Staff
edited June 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Doesn't work. Anyone know why?


  • that's annoying. is this just since the server move? i didn't notice it before.
  • edited June 2006
    with <a name="pgbottom">&nbsp;</a>, it works.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Just when I thought it wasn't possible to hate IE more... Thanks, Dinoboff :)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    ugghhh. This is fucking frustrating. Yeah, that's right. I'm swearing.
  • ithcyithcy New
    edited June 2006
    what about <a id="pgbottom"> ?

    //answer: no
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    The problem is that adding a nbsp also adds extra (unwanted) space at the bottom of the page. If you put a classname on the anchor and display:none, that also renders the bottom of page link unusable. Piss me off.
  • what about "font-size: 1px" ??

    Btw.. if you give the top and bottom links an id I would be very happy, as my Smooth Scroll Jump extension needs an id. Then I can fix it to work both on IE and Firefox ^^
  • edited June 2006
    Does it still work if you position:absolute; the anchor out of the page flow (if you don't give it a top or right property, it'll just stay put, but won't add space to the end)?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Nows the time to ask for stuff like that, jazzman. I'll add those in for sure. @bergamot: I dunno. I tried the display none and then I retired for the evening. I'll try that and other things tomorrow.
  • Evening? It must be like 3am over there? This really doesnt help the debate but i dont think i've ever noticed that bottom of page link before.
  • Evening? It's morning here :) 10.45 AM to be exact :D
  • psh. Foreigner.
  • pgbottom as id for the Top of Page link is a good solution. This link will always be at bottom of the page.

    And add an id to "Bottom of Page","Top of Page" and "Back to Discussion" would be good. That will allow to hide them in the print style.
  • Dinoboff's idea is better, but here is mine: Width: 0; height: 0. And its 7am here.
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