The problem is that adding a nbsp also adds extra (unwanted) space at the bottom of the page. If you put a classname on the anchor and display:none, that also renders the bottom of page link unusable. Piss me off.
Btw.. if you give the top and bottom links an id I would be very happy, as my Smooth Scroll Jump extension needs an id. Then I can fix it to work both on IE and Firefox ^^
Does it still work if you position:absolute; the anchor out of the page flow (if you don't give it a top or right property, it'll just stay put, but won't add space to the end)?
Nows the time to ask for stuff like that, jazzman. I'll add those in for sure.
@bergamot: I dunno. I tried the display none and then I retired for the evening. I'll try that and other things tomorrow.
<a name="pgbottom"> </a>
, it works.//answer: no
Btw.. if you give the top and bottom links an id I would be very happy, as my Smooth Scroll Jump extension needs an id. Then I can fix it to work both on IE and Firefox ^^
And add an id to "Bottom of Page","Top of Page" and "Back to Discussion" would be good. That will allow to hide them in the print style.