Vanilla games

edited December 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
You know how msn has games you can play against contacts? Vanilla needs it! Extension quick! (yes i'm bored, yes i'm drunk, yes i should be in bed)


  • Vanilla chess. With option to save game progress. Ok maybe something simpler to start with....
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited June 2006
    If only plastically was still alive...
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited June 2006
    What's that? Sounds good whatever it is/was
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Plastically was a friend of mine who made crazy online video games. He died in a car crash a few years ago.
  • I'm sorry to hear that dude. Maybe the first games plugin can be named after him or something.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    hahaha - no. mini just made me think of him is all :)
  • Plastically's dead? Werd up. Did that happen while o8 was still around? I kinda remember something about it come to think of it?
  • lechlech
    edited June 2006
    :( rip plastically I miss that man and all his shockwave goodness. Now Patrick has been diagnosed with ALS and Joe's kidney exploded leaving big-ass medical bills :(
  • Sounds like the storyline for a text based adventure game
  • Check out There is an SDK you can download that makes building an online arcade much easier. Plus there is a huge supply of games that all share the same highscore saving method so you get a large library ready to go.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Wait, lech, Joe's kidney exploded? Joe, wrestling-mask, joe?

  • i would love a long term game in which a multitude of players could take part over an extended period of time i.e. you login and make a move or two in the game whilst you make your comments. Can you think of such a multi user game?
  • A friend of mine built an HTML-RPG-turn based game. *Looks for link* ... but it looks like it has been down since February
  • Mark, no Joe Krall from TPC. Not exactly "exploded" but he did suffer from an odd case of internal bleeding and now has to fork up a 50K medical bill because he had no insurance :/
  • I still stand by my chess suggestion - only cos you could make a move or two, and then make the next one a few days later when you were backon the forum.
  • And this is why we have the NHS... He aught to look on the bright side though lech, my grandad died from internal bleeding =\ And yeah, 3stripe. I might look into this flash SDK thing over the next week or so.
  • I found as well...
  • @0bvious: @everyone else:
  • i for one would like to see some sort of online memorium(if that's a word) for plastically.
    sadly i just noticed that very recently his old site must have slipped through the cracks of renewing and is now in the hands of some sort of bot. couldn't have been more that 3 weeks ago when his old site was still there.

    not to mention that was assimilated by a porn site.

    i miss rich.
  • Prompted by this thread, I poked through to see a bunch of his stuff.

    I don't know if doesn't save swf, or if its just my machine, but nothing worked. :-(
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