Request: Content Above Discussion Grid?

edited July 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I was wondering if there was away (without TOO much trouble) to add content above the discussions list. I want to include a PHP file above it. something like a <?php include("content.php"); ?> is this possible, and how would i go about it.


  • You might want to check out this thread:

    Which also links to another. Both I think are relavent to what you are after.
  • And yes, it should support php includes as well.
  • Go to this link and use that code as an extension:

    Just replace the javascript code there to put whatever html code or text you'd like to appear above the discussion list. Hope that helps you.
  • Thanks, the text works great, but I am still having troubles with including a PHP file. To help illustrate my problem, I want to include my wordpress posts above the grid. I am using the K2 theme which isolates the posts from the rest of the index via 'theloop.php' Vanilla and Wordpress share the same root directory on my server. I tried the following without any luck: <?php include("http://.../wp-content/themes/k2/theloop.php"); ?> Any ideas?
  • nevermind, i decided to just make a CuteNews extension instead
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