Unhappy with v1 so far :(

edited July 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I just upgraded to version 1 today and so far it's a big disappointment. For some reason it seems like the core has taken a big step backwards, and all of the extensions (some of which are now required to do fomerly basic things) are wacky at best.

For example:
* I can't activate any extensions if I'm using Firefox. I have to switch to IE to make the little checkbox swirlygig thing happen. Bleah.
* I can't manage my users. There is seriously nowhere for an administrator to manage users. There are places to manage Roles and Registration Settings, but not users? Please tell me if I am missing something.
* The feeds are gone. I need to install the RSS2 and Atom extensions to do that, and activing RSS2 turns my Discussions page into blank white.
* The style I worked on for my previous install is now useless.
* The Google Calendar extension is pointless. It just adds the word "Gigs" to the sidebar. There is nowhere to modify its settings and no documentation explaining how to do so.
* Notify 0.2 just adds a "Subscribe to Forum" link that just goes back to the Discussions page.
* The Legends extension adds colored blocks to the sidebar that overlap the drop shadow. I see the Lussumo Community is using this and it appears fine there, so I don't know what the problem is.
* Forum Statistics extension does nothing but add the word "Statistics" to the sidebar. There is a "Statistics" entry under Settings but all it ever says is "Please configure the options for the statistics on the index page to whatever your personal needs are for this forum." There's nothing on the index page that would allow for that.

I really was a fan of Vanilla up until today... I normally am a fan of "Simpler is better" but this latest release of Vanilla does nothing for me. I feel like I could just create a database on my site and give everyone phpMyAdmin access to add entries as they please, and would get all of the same functionality. I seems like the goal is to make Vanilla look like nothing more than a bare-bones database interface at this point.

I hope that my install went badly or something, because I was really looking forward to the new Vanilla. Any tips?


  • edited July 2006
    I would most definetly say your install went badly, VERY badly. Everything you mention, (problems with extensions etc) seem to work for me and most people. I don't have to switch to firefox at all.. neither does anyone else (I think!)

    Feeds work for me! So does everything else, it seems like to me your actually not all that impressed with the extensions, as thats where all your problems seem to lie. So yeah I would try reinstalling it or something (but do it on a seperate 'test' forum first, so you don't lose anything)

    Presuming its online, can you give me and the others the URL?

    Cheers! Hope that helps a bit!
  • I think something went wrong with your update/install, and I think you are being a little unfair with with what you said... I'm sure if you tried a bit harder to identify what the problem is, you'll realize it's not vanilla's problem. Have you tried to backup yor db and do a fresh install?
  • edited July 2006
    1. That sounds strange; I can activate extensions from anywhere, including Firefox.
    2. Manage them how? What do you want to do that you can't right now? I'm serious, that could be a useful extension.
    3. That's very strange. I've never heard of the RSS2 extension doing that, and as you can see Mark is running it on this board with no issue.
    4. Yeah, mine too. The theme changes were worth it, however, and it takes less work to update a stylesheet than you think.
    5-6. Don't personally use these extensions, so I can't comment on what they're supposed to do.
    7. Maybe a stylesheet issue, who knows.
    8. It's really starting to sound like something is seriously wrong with your installation.
  • I'm hoping so. At this point there are only six users on my forum so I am considering doing a fresh install. I will try that and see what happens. Thanks everyone for the feedback.
  • Good looking forward to finding out what happens...
  • dan39dan39 New
    edited July 2006
    I had a similar problem, but it turned out to be entirely my fault. I recommend checking to see if every file is loading properly before you do anything. In my case, I had accidentally mapped my JavaScript (/js) folder to the wrong place and Vanilla wasn't able to find it's own javascript files. What impressed me most was how much Vanilla was able to do even though it couldn't even load it's own javascripts. Trust me, if you do things properly, this application rocks.
  • Thanks guys. Upon reinstalling, things seem to be working much better. I'll have to have everyone re-register but it was just a test forum for a larger project elsewhere.

    Yay Vanilla!
  • Wow, I think this is the fastest turn-around in Vanilla history so far.
  • Only because there aren't any political parties using Vanilla yet....
  • I'd say you're wrong. :)
  • Glad you sorted it! See Vanilla is GREAT!
  • i like it so far. bvery muc so. the only bug is that one member can no longer post discussions. very odd
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