500 Error part-way through thumbnailing process

edited August 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I uploaded a bunch of photos into my new photo folder: http://www.bryangarvin.com/photos/ as well as the filebrowser files. CHMOD'd everything per the readme file. It got about... 4 photos into it (about 50 in total, or so) and then a internal 500 error appeared. Why would it go through only 4 photos, then bug out? Any ideas?


  • going back throught it, it looks like if i click 3 photos at a time, it will go thorugh its process and all is a success. if i click 5 photos, it gives me a 500 error, but it seems to have worked once i visit the index.php page. and if i go any higher then 5, it just won't do anything other then the 500 error.
  • Just thinking out loud here - might this be something to do with the 'items remaining' update count thing?
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