AJAX Shoutbox

edited January 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I realize that there is already a chatbox extension, but it seems real clunky, and it isn't very user friendly..

Somebody put together a nice AJAX shoutbox plugin for WordPress here.

I was wondering/hoping maybe I could get some help in trying to integrate this into Vanilla. I think it would be a great addition to the repository, and would benefit many users.

Thanks very much for any consideration, and possible help.



  • Now that is a cool shout box, very classy, more like a whisper box?
    I wish I was a developer, would love to get stuck into a project like that.
  • New
    edited August 2006
    i made a pretty nice one for vanilla a long time ago, but it had some bugs that i never finished ironing out. i'll have some time to work on add-ons next week and hopefully i'll have it all polished up.


    (it looks better with the default theme)
  • Very cool. It looks good. (Actually would look great with my theme as is ;)

    Thanks very much for looking in and letting us know.

  • Nice! Please finish that add-on! That one will be great!!
  • i'll fix it up.
  • @itchy: a nice feature would be (the option) to hide the shoutbox if there are less than 2 people signed in. For smaller forums, the shoutbox would then also indicate when others are online. What do you think?
  • The WordPress plugin mentioned really is very nice.
  • Agreed on the "hiding" option and/or showing when others are online.
  • it has a minimize button and it remembers its state for each user. it's draggable too, and remembers its position in the browser window.
    there's also a /users command that lists who's online.
    i guess it's really more of a full-featured chat than a shoutbox. i could adapt it into a simpler shoutbox.
  • When are you releasing that theme! :D
  • I'd love a version as simple as the Wordpress plugin - though a /users feature would be useful.
  • it has a minimize button and it remembers its state for each user. it's draggable too, and remembers its position in the browser window.
    there's also a /users command that lists who's online.
    i guess it's really more of a full-featured chat than a shoutbox. i could adapt it into a simpler shoutbox.

    sounds beautiful. thanks again.
  • And how's the progress? :]
  • edited August 2006
    I was just wondering the same...

    ithcy: if you have decided that you aren't interested in persuing this anymore, is there any chance of maybe sharing what you have so far? Would be greatly appreciated.

  • i'm interested. it's just that my hard drive with all my working code went south about a week ago, and i've been too disheartened to work on anything. but i will get it finished soon.
  • Oh man, that sucks. Sorry to hear...

    Same thing happened to me not too long ago. Had good luck with knoppix recovering the data, though. It may be worth a shot (if you haven't already tried).

    Thanks for getting back to us.
  • i've tried everything including data recovery, puppy linux, knoppix, freezing the drive, buying a replacement drive of the same model and swapping the PCBs. that didn't even work. next step is swapping the platters. i really need that data.
  • You have a clean room? :O

    I had a drive die on me a while back. Recovery people couldn't get the spindle to rotate at all. I wish I had known about the freezing trick because I would have tried it before committing it. Good luck!
  • no, i have no clean room :) i'm hoping i can make my work area clean enough for this operation. i only need it to work for an hour anyway - just long enough to get the data off.
  • hey ithcy, sorry to be a pest, and hope all is going well with the recovery...

    if there is anything I can do to help (with my very limited skillset) please let me know. I cant for the life of me get the WP one to work, and my users are hammering me with wtf's.

    thanks, and sorry...
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